Kazuki Shimada, Satoru Tsuneto. Novel method for predicting nonvisible symptoms using machine learning in cancer palliative care. Scientific reports. 2023. 13. 1. 12088-12088
Megumi Kondo, Tomoki Kihira, Yukihiro Sakaguchi, Kazuki Shimada, Yuki Shirai, Keiko Tamura. Growth Experience Bereaved of a Spouse by Cancer: Relying on Merleau-Ponty's Reorganization of the Body Schemes. Omega. 2023. 302228231164859-302228231164859
Ayumi Kihara, Kazuki Shimada, Satoru Tsuneto. How Do We Taper and Discontinue Opioids in Cancer Patients? Considerations from the Activities of a Palliative Care Team at a University Hospital. Palliative medicine reports. 2021. 2. 1. 255-259