J-GLOBAL ID:202101003532641988   更新日: 2024年04月08日

菅野 雅代

カンノ マサヨ | Kanno Masayo
職名: 特命准教授
研究分野 (1件): 外国語教育
研究キーワード (1件): Language teacher cognition, Teacher emotion, Learner identity, Materials development
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • 2022 - 2027 Potential power of emotion: An investigation into an interplay between emotion regulation and group dynamics in university and college EFL classrooms
  • 2020 - 2022 Aims and practices of EFL education: An investigation into English teacher cognition and efforts for job crafting
論文 (6件):
  • Masayo Kanno. ‘I don't see this as a lost cause.’: English as a foreign language teachers’ job-crafting practices in the Japanese HE context. EdD thesis, University College London. 2024
  • Masayo Kanno. Apathy, Agency, and Sociocultural Mediation in a University English Course. JALT Postconference Publication. 2020. 2019. 1. 144-150
  • Masayo Kanno. Maintaining and Enhancing Students' Collaborative Learning in a Japanese EFL Higher Education Context. Journal of Education, Innovation, and Communication. 2020. June Special Issue. 91-106
  • Masayo Kanno, Hisao Taoka. The use of research articles in an ESP course for engineering undergraduates -An investigation into the effectiveness of a genre-specific rhetorical approach-. 福井大学 大学院工学研究科 研究報告. 2019. 67. 65-73
  • Masayo Kanno. Exploring the impact of past and ongoing learning experiences on construction of current learner identity: A case study of Japanese university EFL learners. Institution Focused Study, UCL Institute of Education, University of London. 2019
MISC (2件):
  • Masayo Kanno. How can teachers support learner agency? JALT2019 international conference report. Learning Learning. 2020. 27. 1. 20-22
  • Masayo Kanno. Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn. Learning Learning. 2018. 25. 2. 29
書籍 (1件):
  • 自己表現のためのコア英語
    2018 ISBN:9784255156217
講演・口頭発表等 (7件):
  • “You can’t really support them”: Emotion regulation strategies for teaching English to Japanese STEAM undergraduates
    (2nd Virtual Cambodia International Conference on Mentoring Educators (CICME) 2021 2021)
  • Learning through teacher cognition research: Aims and practices of university EFL classes in Japan
    (全国語学教育学会(JALT) 仙台支部 2021)
  • Agency in a university prerequisite EFL course
    (全国語学教育学会(JALT) 47th Annual International Conference 2019)
  • Exploring learning trajectories of apathetic EFL learners: A case study of Japanese engineering undergraduates
    (大学英語教育学会(JACET) 第57回国際大会 2018)
  • Materials Writing and Development for Classroom Teachers
    (全国語学教育学会(JALT) 福井支部 2018)
学位 (3件):
  • 博士(教育) (University College London)
  • MA TESOL (University College London)
  • 法学士 (東北大学)
受賞 (1件):
  • 2015/03 - University College London MA TESOL with Distinction
所属学会 (4件):
Asia TEFL ,  全国高等専門学校英語教育学会 ,  全国語学教育学会 ,  大学英語教育学会
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