研究キーワード (1件):
Language teacher cognition, Teacher emotion, Learner identity, Materials development
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
2022 - 2027 Potential power of emotion: An investigation into an interplay between emotion regulation and group dynamics in university and college EFL classrooms
2020 - 2022 Aims and practices of EFL education: An investigation into English teacher cognition and efforts for job crafting
論文 (6件):
Masayo Kanno. ‘I don't see this as a lost cause.’: English as a foreign language teachers’ job-crafting practices in the Japanese HE context. EdD thesis, University College London. 2024
Masayo Kanno. Apathy, Agency, and Sociocultural Mediation in a University English Course. JALT Postconference Publication. 2020. 2019. 1. 144-150
Masayo Kanno. Maintaining and Enhancing Students' Collaborative Learning in a Japanese EFL Higher Education Context. Journal of Education, Innovation, and Communication. 2020. June Special Issue. 91-106
Masayo Kanno, Hisao Taoka. The use of research articles in an ESP course for engineering undergraduates -An investigation into the effectiveness of a genre-specific rhetorical approach-. 福井大学 大学院工学研究科 研究報告. 2019. 67. 65-73
Masayo Kanno. Exploring the impact of past and ongoing learning experiences on construction of current learner identity: A case study of Japanese university EFL learners. Institution Focused Study, UCL Institute of Education, University of London. 2019
Masayo Kanno. How can teachers support learner agency? JALT2019 international conference report. Learning Learning. 2020. 27. 1. 20-22
Masayo Kanno. Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn. Learning Learning. 2018. 25. 2. 29
書籍 (1件):
2018 ISBN:9784255156217
講演・口頭発表等 (7件):
“You can’t really support them”: Emotion regulation strategies for teaching English to Japanese STEAM undergraduates
(2nd Virtual Cambodia International Conference on Mentoring Educators (CICME) 2021 2021)
Learning through teacher cognition research: Aims and practices of university EFL classes in Japan
(全国語学教育学会(JALT) 仙台支部 2021)
Agency in a university prerequisite EFL course
(全国語学教育学会(JALT) 47th Annual International Conference 2019)
Exploring learning trajectories of apathetic EFL learners: A case study of Japanese engineering undergraduates
(大学英語教育学会(JACET) 第57回国際大会 2018)
Materials Writing and Development for Classroom Teachers
(全国語学教育学会(JALT) 福井支部 2018)