J-GLOBAL ID:202101006932480338   更新日: 2021年07月20日

岸本 卓大

キシモト タカヒロ | Kishimoto Takahiro
職名: 助教
論文 (2件):
  • Takahiro Kishimoto, Takaharu Goto, Takashi Matsuda, Yuki Iwawaki, Tetsuo Ichikawa. Application of artificial intelligence in the dental field: A literature review. Journal of Prosthodontic Research. 2021
  • Takahiro Kishimoto, Takaharu Goto, Tetsuo Ichikawa. Prefrontal cortex activity induced by periodontal afferent inputs downregulates occlusal force. Experimental Brain Research. 2019. 237. 11. 2767-2774
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