J-GLOBAL ID:202101012258391162   更新日: 2024年07月05日

土屋 喜生

ツチヤ キショウ | Tsuchiya Kisho
職名: 助教
研究分野 (1件): アジア史、アフリカ史
研究キーワード (11件): オーラル・ヒストリー ,  ナショナリズム ,  ポストコロニアリズム ,  脱植民地化 ,  冷戦 ,  キリスト教 ,  インドネシア ,  フィリピン ,  ミンダナオ ,  東ティモール ,  東南アジア
論文 (13件):
  • Kisho Tsuchiya. 1. 東ティモール史研究史の形成と現在:. シンポジウム記録 東ティモール民主共和国20周年特別シンポジウム: 2002年の「主権回復」を問い直す. 2023. 35. 6-14
  • What was *Independence* for the East Timorese? A historian's autobiographical reflections over perceptions of the past. Revista Oriente. 2023. 29. 91-104
  • Kisho Tsuchiya. What was “Independence” for the East Timorese?. Revista Oriente. 2022
  • Kisho Tsuchiya. ナショナリズムの展望 -. CSEAS Newsletter. 2022
  • Kisho Tsuchiya. Southeast Asian cultural landscape, resistance, and belonging in East Timor's FRETILIN Movement (1974-75). Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 2021. 1-24
書籍 (1件):
    University of Hawaii Press 2024 ISBN:9780824894986
講演・口頭発表等 (29件):
  • Mindanaoan Commoners' Perceptions of Martial Law and Communism as Foundations for Grassroots Conservativism
    (AAS-in-Asia 2024)
  • How to Approach Cold War Asia
    (AAS-in-Asia 2024)
  • Roundtable on Tsuchiya, Emplacing East Timor
    (AAS-in-Asia 2024)
  • Smuggling Modernities: Female Smugglers, Megacorporation and the Maritime Networks in Northern Mindanao, 1940-90s
    (A Public Lecture by Prof. Tsuchiya Kisho, Ph.D at Ateneo de Davao University 2023)
  • History, Oral Literature, and Archaeology: Decolonizing Historical Methodology to understand East Timorese Past
    (Timor-Leste Studies Association 2023)
学歴 (3件):
  • National University of Singapore Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Department of History
  • National University of Singapore Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Department of Southeast Asian Studies
  • 法政大学 法学部 国際政治学科
経歴 (1件):
  • 2019/04 - 2021/09 National University of Singapore Department of History Postdoctoral Fellow
委員歴 (1件):
  • 2021/08 - 現在 米国アジア研究協会 東ティモール研究イニシアティブ
受賞 (3件):
  • 2018/05 - Association for Asian Studies the ITLSC Paper Prize Timor as a Border Island: History, Metageography, and Identity
  • 2018/03 - Association for Asian Studies the Pattana Kitiarsa SEAC Prize for the Best Student Paper on Southeast Asia Converting Tetun: The Early Missionary Texts in a Timorese Language and the Timorese Absent Presence 1875-1937
  • 2015/08 - National University of Singapore the Tan Suan Inn History Prize Constructing East Timor: History, Identity, and Place 1850-1999
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