J-GLOBAL ID:202101015080152605   更新日: 2024年01月09日

オスピナ アラルコン リカルド

オスピナ アラルコン リカルド | OSPINA ALARCON RICARDO
職名: 博士
論文 (10件):
  • Thanh Tinh NGUYEN, Ricardo OSPINA, Noboru NOGUCHI, Hiroshi OKAMOTO, Quang Hieu NGO. Real-Time Disease Detection in Rice Fields in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. Environmental Control in Biology. 2021. 59. 2. 77-85
  • Ryota ISHIBASHI, Takuma TSUBAKI, Shingo OKADA, Hiroshi YAMAMOTO, Takeshi KUWAHARA, Kenichi KAWAMURA, Keisuke WAKAO, Takatsune MORIYAMA, Ricardo OSPINA, Hiroshi OKAMOTO, et al. Experiment of Integrated Technologies in Robotics, Network, and Computing for Smart Agriculture. IEICE Transactions on Communications. 2021. E105.B. Issue 4. 364-378
  • Kannapat Udompant, Ricardo Ospina Alarcon, YongJoo Kim, Noboru Noguchi. Utilization of Quasi-Zenith Satellite System for Navigation of a Robot Combine Harvester. Agronomy. 2021. 11. 3. 483-483
  • Suxing Lyu, Noboru Noguchi, Ricardo Ospina, Yuji Kishima. Development of phenotyping system using low altitude UAV imagery and deep learning. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. 2021. 14. 1. 207-215
  • Yoshitomo YAMASAKI, Issei IKEDA, Ricardo OSPINA-ALARCON, Noboru NOGUCHI. Basic Research on a Field Scouting Robot Monitoring Crop Progress and Condition (Part 1)- High-accuracy Acquisition Method of Spectral Reflection -. Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery and Food Engineers. 2021. 83. 1. 37-47
学位 (3件):
  • 電子工学科 (アンティオキア大学(コロンビア))
  • 修士課程 (北海道大学)
  • 博士課程 (北海道大学)
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