J-GLOBAL ID:202101019771711037   更新日: 2023年07月07日

佐藤 大祐

その他の所属(所属・部署名・職名) (1件):
  • 特定国立研究開発法人理化学研究所  脳神経科学研究センター   客員研究員
論文 (10件):
  • Upasana Maheshwari, Dominik Kraus, Nathalie Vilain, Sjoerd J.B. Holwerda, Vanja Cankovic, Nicola A. Maiorano, Hubertus Kohler, Daisuke Satoh, Markus Sigrist, Silvia Arber, et al. Postmitotic Hoxa5 Expression Specifies Pontine Neuron Positional Identity and Input Connectivity of Cortical Afferent Subsets. Cell Reports. 2020. 31. 11. 107767-107767
  • Daisuke Satoh, Christiane Pudenz, Silvia Arber. Context-Dependent Gait Choice Elicited by EphA4 Mutation in Lbx1 Spinal Interneurons. Neuron. 2016. 89. 5. 1046-1058
  • Yukako Hattori, Tadao Usui, Daisuke Satoh, Sanefumi Moriyama, Kohei Shimono, Takehiko Itoh, Katsuhiko Shirahige, Tadashi Uemura. Sensory-Neuron Subtype-Specific Transcriptional Programs Controlling Dendrite Morphogenesis: Genome-wide Analysis of Abrupt and Knot/Collier. Developmental Cell. 2013. 27. 5. 530-544
  • Kimberly J. Dougherty, Laskaro Zagoraiou, Daisuke Satoh, Ismini Rozani, Staceyann Doobar, Silvia Arber, Thomas M. Jessell, Ole Kiehn. Locomotor Rhythm Generation Linked to the Output of Spinal Shox2 Excitatory Interneurons. Neuron. 2013. 80. 4. 920-933
  • Daisuke Satoh, Ritsuko Suyama, Ken-ichi Kimura, Tadashi Uemura. High-resolution in vivo imaging of regenerating dendrites of D rosophila sensory neurons during metamorphosis: local filopodial degeneration and heterotypic dendrite-dendrite contacts. Genes to Cells. 2012. 17. 12. 939-951
MISC (3件):
  • 佐藤大祐. 背側脊髄におけるEphA4の欠損により誘発される環境依存的な運動パターンの選択. 実験医学. 2016. 34. 2186-2189
  • Daisuke Satoh, Silvia Arber. Carving Axon Arbors to Fit: Master Directs One Kinase at a Time. Cell. 2013. 153. 7. 1425-1426
  • 佐藤大祐, 古知(山本)美暁, 藤本梓, 服部佑佳子, 上村匡。. 多様な樹状突起パターンの形成とリモデリング。. 蛋白質核酸酵素 臨時増刊号「神経の分化、回路形成、機能発現」. 2008. 53. 393-399
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