研究キーワード (12件):
Deep learning
, Big satellite data
, Machine learning
, Data assimilation
, Groundwater
, Hydraulic engineering
, Risk assessment
, Flood
, Experimental apparatus
, Particle analysis
, Internal erosion
, Geotechnical engineering
論文 (13件):
Mao Ouyang, Keita Tokuda, Shunji Kotsuki. Reducing manipulations in a control simulation experiment based on instability vectors with the Lorenz-63 model. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics. 2023. 30. 2. 183-193
Mao Ouyang, Shunji Kotsuki, Yuka Ito, TomochikaTokunaga. Employment of hydraulic model and social media data for flood hazard assessment in an urban city. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 2022. 44. 101261
Mao Ouyang, Akihiro Takahashi. Mechanical Consequence Observation and Microscopic Visualization of Internal Erosion Using Developed Plane Strain Erosion Apparatus. GEOTECHNICAL TESTING JOURNAL. 2022. 45. 2. 411-431