J-GLOBAL ID:202201003018203375
更新日: 2024年11月27日
今田 早紀
イマダ サキ | Imada Saki
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
- 2020 - 2023 Fe添加AlN薄膜における無極性発現機構の解明とシード層としての応用探索
論文 (40件):
Stephanie F. Linnell, Alexis G. Manche, Yingling Liao, Moritz Hirsbrunner, Saki Imada, Aaron B. Naden, John T. S. Irvine, Laurent C. Duda, A. Robert Armstrong. Effect of Cu substitution on anion redox behaviour in P3-type sodium manganese oxides. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-ENERGY. 2022. 4. 4
Stephanie F. Linnell, Moritz Hirsbrunner, Saki Imada, Giannantonio Cibin, Aaron B. Naden, Alan Chadwick, John T. S. Irvine, Laurent C. Duda, A. Robert Armstrong. Enhanced Cycling Stability in the Anion Redox Material P3-Type Zn-Substituted Sodium Manganese Oxide. CHEMELECTROCHEM. 2022. 9. 11
Stephanie F. Linnell, Eun Jeong Kim, Yong-Seok Choi, Moritz Hirsbrunner, Saki Imada, Atin Pramanik, Aida Fuente Cuesta, David N. Miller, Edoardo Fusco, Bela E. Bode, et al. Enhanced oxygen redox reversibility and capacity retention of titanium-substituted Na-4/7[1/7Ti1/7Mn5/7]O-2 in sodium-ion batteries. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A. 2022. 10. 18. 9941-9953
Saki Imada, Toshiyuki Isshiki, Nobuyuki Tatemizo, Koji Nishio, Shuichi Mamishin, Yuya Suzuki, Katsuji Ito, Kiyofumi Nitta, Hiroki Suga, Oki Sekizawa, et al. Formation of various-axis-oriented wurtzite nuclei and enlargement of the a-axis-oriented region in AlFeN films deposited on Si(100) substrates. MATERIALS ADVANCES. 2021. 2. 12. 4075-4080
Nobuyuki Tatemizo, Saki Imada, Kizuna Okahara, Haruki Nishikawa, Kazuki Tsuruta, Toshiaki Ina, Yoshio Miura, Koji Nishio, Toshiyuki Isshiki. Electronic structure of AlFeN films exhibiting crystallographic orientation change from c- to a-axis with Fe concentrations and annealing effect. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2020. 10. 1