J-GLOBAL ID:202201003075667809   更新日: 2024年08月30日

南出 新

ミナミデ アラタ | Minamide Arata
研究分野 (1件): 代数学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
  • 2020 - 2024 局所体に対する遠アーベル幾何学の発展
論文 (8件):
  • Yuichiro Hoshi, Arata Minamide, Shinichi Mochizuki. Group-theoreticity of numerical invariants and distinguished subgroups of configuration space groups. Kodai Mathematical Journal. 2022. 45. 3
  • Arata Minamide, Shota Tsujimura. Internal indecomposability of profinite groups. Advances in Mathematics. 2022. 409. 108689-108689
  • Arata Minamide, Hiroaki Nakamura. The automorphism groups of the profinite braid groups. American Journal of Mathematics. 2022. 144. 5. 1159-1176
  • Arata Minamide, Shota Tsujimura. Anabelian group-theoretic properties of the absolute Galois groups of discrete valuation fields. Journal of Number Theory. 2022. 239. 298-334
  • Shinichi Mochizuki, Ivan Fesenko, Yuichiro Hoshi, Arata Minamide, Wojciech Porowski. Explicit estimates in inter-universal Teichm\"uller theory. Kodai Mathematical Journal. 2022. 45. 2. 175-236
MISC (7件):
  • Arata Minamide, Shota Tsujimura. Strong indecomposability of the outer automorphism groups of nonabelian free profinite groups. preprint. 2024
  • Arata Minamide, Shota Tsujimura. Anabelian geometry for Henselian discrete valuation fields with quasi-finite residues. RIMS Preprint 1973. 2023
  • Arata Minamide, Koichiro Sawada, Shota Tsujimura. On generalizations of anabelian group-theoretic properties. RIMS Preprint 1965, to appear in Hiroshima Mathematical Journal. 2022
  • Arata Minamide. The outer automorphism groups of the profinite braid groups. Oberwolfach Reports. 2022. 18. 1. 717-719
  • Arata Minamide, Shota Tsujimura. Anabelian group-theoretic properties of the pro-$p$ absolute Galois groups of Henselian discrete valuation fields. RIMS Preprint 1952. 2021
講演・口頭発表等 (50件):
  • The Grothendieck-Teichm\"uller group as an open subgroup of the outer automorphism group of the \'etale fundamental group of a configuration space
    (The First IUGC Conference 2024)
  • On the essential logical structure of inter-universal Teichm\"uller theory III
    (The First IUGC Conference 2024)
  • On the essential logical structure of inter-universal Teichm\"uller theory II
    (The First IUGC Conference 2024)
  • On the essential logical structure of inter-universal Teichm\"uller theory I
    (The First IUGC Conference 2024)
  • On the essential logical structure of inter-universal Teichm\"uller theory III
    (2024早稲田整数論研究集会 2024)
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