Kenta Kato. Kissing off the Defeat: Cross-Dressing as the Japanese Postwar Condition in Oitsu Owaretsu. Journal of Homosexuality. 2021. 68. 11. 1860-1876
Kenta Kato. A man to remember: two film adaptations of Kokoro. Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema. 2021. 1-17
Kenta Kato. A Man with Whom Men Fall in Love: Homosociality and Effeminophobia in the Abashiri Bangai-chi Series. Japanese Studies. 2021. 1-13
Kenta Kato. It’s tough being a humanist: Yōji Yamada, the cynical company man. Asian Cinema. 2019
Hamlet Mustn’t Die: The Issue of Local Specificity in Castle of Flames (1960)
(Found in Translation: Understanding Shakespeare through Intercultural Dialogue 2022)