Takumi Fujiwara, Wataru Takeuchi. Modeling Shadow with Voxel-Based Trees for Sentinel-2 Reflectance Simulation in Tropical Rainforest. Remote Sensing. 2022. 14. 16. 4088-4088
T. Fujiwara, W. Takeuchi. ESTIMATION OF OPTIMAL CROWN COVERAGE AND CANOPY SHAPE FOR SHADOW ESTIMATION ON TROPICAL MOIST BROADLEAF FOREST. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. 2021. V-3-2021. 211-217
Takumi Fujiwara, Wataru Takeuchi. Simulation of sentinel-2 bottom of atmosphere reflectance using shadow parameters on a deciduous forest in Thailand. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2020. 9. 10
Takumi Fujiwara, Wataru Takeuchi. Assessment of shadow index using ray tracing based on a voxel model on various structures. 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, ACRS 2019: Progress of Remote Sensing Technology for Smart Future. 2020