J-GLOBAL ID:202201013890381648   更新日: 2024年04月11日

ワイテマイヤー アダム

ワイテマイヤー アダム | Weitemier Adam
研究分野 (1件): 神経科学一般
研究キーワード (1件): drug abuse, emotion, affect, neurotransmission, voltammetry, psychiatric
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
  • 2007 - 2008 制御できない学習という観点からの薬物中毒:前頭前野におけるドーパミンの役割
論文 (13件):
  • Kazuo Nakajima, Mizuho Ishiwata, Adam Z. Weitemier, Hirotaka Shoji, Hiromu Monai, Hiroyuki Miyamoto, Kazuhiro Yamakawa, Tsuyoshi Miyakawa, Thomas J. McHugh, Tadafumi Kato. Brain-specific heterozygous loss-of-function of ATP2A2, endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump responsible for Darier's disease, causes behavioral abnormalities and a hyper-dopaminergic state. HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS. 2021. 30. 18. 1762-1772
  • Shuo Chen, Linmeng He, Arthur J. Y. Huang, Roman Boehringer, Vincent Robert, Marie E. Wintzer, Denis Polygalov, Adam Z. Weitemier, Yanqiu Tao, Mingxiao Gu, et al. A hypothalamic novelty signal modulates hippocampal memory. NATURE. 2020. 586. 7828. 270-+
  • Xiao Zeng, Shuo Chen, Adam Weitemier, Sanyang Han, Agata Blasiak, Ankshita Prasad, Kezhi Zheng, Zhigao Yi, Baiwen Luo, In-Hong Yang, et al. Visualization of Intra-neuronal Motor Protein Transport through Upconversion Microscopy. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 2019. 58. 27. 9262-9268
  • Shuo Chen, Adam Z. Weitemier, Xiao Zeng, Linmeng He, Xiyu Wang, Yanqiu Tao, Arthur J. Y. Huang, Yuki Hashimotodani, Masanobu Kano, Hirohide Iwasaki, et al. Near-infrared deep brain stimulation via upconversion nanoparticle-mediated optogenetics. SCIENCE. 2018. 359. 6376. 679-683
  • Adam Z Weitemier, Thomas J McHugh. Noradrenergic modulation of evoked dopamine release and pH shift in the mouse dorsal hippocampus and ventral striatum. Brain research. 2017. 1657. 74-86
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