Kazunao Morita. Radicalizing the Role of the Emancipatory Teacher in the Crisis of Democracy: Erich Fromm’s Psychoanalytic Approach to Deweyan Democratic Education. Studies in Philosophy and Education. 2022. 41. 4. 467-483
森田 一尚. E. フロム精神分析理論における宗教論の教育的含意. 教育学研究. 2020. 87. 4. 131-142
Kazunao Morita. Tracing the Fate of Voice in Gaslight. Thinking about Education through Film, Proceedings of the 11th International Exchange between the Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University (Japan), and the UCL Institute of Education (UK). 2018. 120-124
Kazunao Morita. How does One Avoid Speaking in Clichés?. The Anxieties of Inclusion, Proceedings of the 10th International Exchange between the Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University (Japan), and the UCL Institute of Education (UK). 2017. 51-55
Why has Erich Fromm been of interest to educational studies? Background story of educational application of his thought
(7th International Erich Fromm Seminar for Docs and Post-Docs, Erich Fromm Institute Tübingen, Germany 2024)
From the Enlightenment to Eastern enlightenment: The radical acceptance of the influence of modern society
(6th International Erich Fromm Seminar for Doctoral Students and Postdocs 2023)