J-GLOBAL ID:202301004929596491
更新日: 2023年10月04日
高津 邦夫
タカツ クニオ | Takatsu Kunio
論文 (11件):
Kunio Takatsu, Coralie Delarue, Naomi Heller, Grégoire Saboret, Jakob Brodersen. Relationships between egg size and maternal size, life history forms, and habitats of Greenlandic Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). Environmental Biology of Fishes. 2023
Kunio Takatsu, Jakob Brodersen. Repeated elevational clines of early life-history traits and their proximate mechanisms in brown trout. Freshwater Biology. 2023
Kunio Takatsu, Oliver M. Selz, Jakob Brodersen. Temperature regime during embryogenesis alters subsequent behavioural phenotypes of juvenile brown trout. Biology Letters. 2022
Kunio Takatsu. Predator cannibalism can shift prey community composition toward dominance by small prey species. Ecology and Evolution. 2022
Kunio Takatsu, Osamu Kishida. Enhanced recruitment of larger predators in the presence of large prey. Journal of Animal Ecology. 2020. 89. 7. 1615-1627