J-GLOBAL ID:202301014335563700   更新日: 2023年09月30日

江口 政貴

エグチ マサキ | Eguchi Masaki
研究分野 (1件): 外国語教育
研究キーワード (4件): 心理統計・教育測定 ,  言語テスト ,  自然言語処理 ,  第二言語習得
論文 (16件):
  • Kristopher Kyle, Hakyung Sung, Masaki Eguchi, Fred Zenker. Evaluating evidence for the reliability and validity of lexical diversity indices in L2 oral task responses. Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 2023
  • Masaki Eguchi, Kristopher Kyle. Span Identification of Epistemic Stance-Taking in Academic Written English. 2023
  • Masaki Eguchi, Kristopher Kyle. L2 collocation profiles and their relationship with vocabulary proficiency: A learner corpus approach. JOURNAL OF SECOND LANGUAGE WRITING. 2023. 60
  • Kristopher Kyle, Masaki Eguchi. Assessing spoken lexical and lexicogrammatical proficiency using features of word, bigram, and dependency bigram use. The Modern Language Journal. 2023. 107. 2. 531-564
  • Atsushi Mizumoto, Masaki Eguchi. Exploring the Potential of Using an AI Language Model for Automated Essay Scoring. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics. 2023. 2. 2
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