J-GLOBAL ID:202301014727513123   更新日: 2023年09月18日

Corliss Jonathan

Corliss Jonathan
職名: 教員
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
  • 2020 - 2023 Globalizing Basic Science Research in Japan: A Qualitative Analysis
論文 (3件):
  • Rebecca Carlson, Jonathan Corliss. Imagined Commodities: Video Game Localization and Mythologies of Cultural Difference. Games and Culture. 2010. 6. 1. 61-82
  • Jonathan Corliss. Introduction: The Social Science Study of Video Games. Games and Culture. 2010. 6. 1. 3-16
  • Rebecca Carlson, Jonathan Corliss. Rubble Jumping: From Paul Virilio’s Techno-Dromology to Video Games and Distributed Agency. Culture, Theory and Critique. 2007. 48. 2. 161-174
書籍 (1件):
  • Utopic dreams and apocalyptic fantasies : critical approaches to researching video game play
    Lexington Books 2010 ISBN:9780739147009
講演・口頭発表等 (20件):
  • Algorithms and Oracles: On the Parallels of Digital Work and Mechanical Divination
    (Society for the Social Studies of Science 2023)
  • Accessibility and Gamification in Health and Technology
    (Practicum of English for Nursing I/II/III, Tokyo Medical and Dental University 2023)
  • Videogames and Healthcare
    (Practicum of English for Nursing I/II/III, Tokyo Medical and Dental University 2023)
  • Learning and Videogames
    (Toyo Global Leaders Program Lecture Series, Toyo University 2022)
  • Cultures of Nursing
    (Practicum of English for Nursing I/II/III, Tokyo Medical and Dental University 2022)
学歴 (3件):
  • 2006 - 2008 Columbia University Anthropology Master's
  • 1999 - 2001 Louisiana State University Geography and Anthropology Master's
  • 1996 - 1999 University of Massachusetts at Amherst Anthropology Bachelor's
受賞 (1件):
  • 2012 - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Short-term dissertation fellowship (declined)
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