J-GLOBAL ID:202301019204672645   更新日: 2023年06月16日

古橋 康弘

フルハシ ヤスヒロ | Furuhashi Yasuhiro
職名: 特任研究員
研究分野 (1件): 環境材料、リサイクル技術
研究キーワード (2件): バイオソープション ,  微細藻類
論文 (3件):
  • Mana Noguchi, Ryo Aizawa, Daisuke Nakazawa, Yoshiki Hakumura, Yasuhiro Furuhashi, Sen Yang, Kazuaki Ninomiya, Kenji Takahashi, Ryo Honda. Application of real treated wastewater to starch production by microalgae: Potential effect of nutrients and microbial contamination. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2021. 169
  • Yasuhiro Furuhashi, Hiroe Hara, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Ryo Honda. Adosorption behaviors of metal in leaching solution of phosphors using biosorption by microalgae. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. G (Environmental Research). 2020. 76. 7. III_319-III_326
  • Yasuhiro Furuhashi, Ryo Honda, Mana Noguchi, Hiroe Hara-Yamamura, Shoko Kobayashi, Koichi Higashimine, Hiroshi Hasegawa. Optimum conditions of pH, temperature and preculture for biosorption of europium by microalgae Acutodesmus acuminatus. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2019. 143. 58-64
特許 (2件):
  • 排水中のアンモニア性窒素の濃度を低下させる能力を有する新規微生物
  • 緑藻による希土類元素の回収方法
講演・口頭発表等 (12件):
  • Current Status of MicroAlgal Industries and Research Activities at Microalgae Research Station,
    (Eco-Engineering International Symposium 2022 2022)
  • 微細藻類Acutodesmus acuminatusを用いたバイオソープションによる蛍光体中レアメタルの選択的回収
  • 微細藻類を用いたバイオエタノール廃水処理の検討
  • Treatment of synthetic distillery wastewater using acidophilic microalgae strains
    (IWA Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering)
  • Effect of cellular metabolism on europiumadsorption by microalgae Acutodesmus acuminatus
    (Proceedings of the International Conference on Challenges in Environmental Science & Engineering. Kaoshiung 2019)
学位 (1件):
  • 博士 (工学) (金沢大学)
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