猪股雅美. The Mutual disaster risk reduction activity to deepen their understanding of regional natural disaster risk. Research Journal of Disaster Education. 2023
猪股 雅美, 岩佐 佳哉, 横川 知司, 志方 宥紀, 橋村 侑希, 熊澤 綾乃, 田中 春香. 地域の自然災害リスクの理解を深める相互型防災活動 : 小・中学生と大学生との防災交流を通じて-The Mutual disaster risk reduction activity to deepen their understanding of regional natural disaster risk : Through the disaster risk reduction exchange between elementary school students, junior high school students and university students. 防災教育学研究 = Research journal of disaster education. 2023. 3. 2. 63-74