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J-GLOBAL ID:201502267899810843   整理番号:15A0622194


Nitrogen, phosphorus and iron doped carbon nanospheres with high surface area and hierarchical porous structure for oxygen reduction
著者 (8件):
QIAO Xiaochang
(The Key Lab. of Fuel Cell Technol. of Guangdong Province, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, South China ...)
PENG Hongliang
(The Key Lab. of Fuel Cell Technol. of Guangdong Province, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, South China ...)
YOU Chenghang
(The Key Lab. of Fuel Cell Technol. of Guangdong Province, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, South China ...)
LIU Fangfang
(The Key Lab. of Fuel Cell Technol. of Guangdong Province, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, South China ...)
ZHENG Ruiping
(The Key Lab. of Fuel Cell Technol. of Guangdong Province, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, South China ...)
XU Dongwei
(The Key Lab. of Fuel Cell Technol. of Guangdong Province, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, South China ...)
LI Xiuhua
(The Key Lab. of Fuel Cell Technol. of Guangdong Province, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, South China ...)
LIAO Shijun
(The Key Lab. of Fuel Cell Technol. of Guangdong Province, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, South China ...)

Journal of Power Sources  (Journal of Power Sources)

巻: 288  ページ: 253-260  発行年: 2015年08月15日 
JST資料番号: B0703B  ISSN: 0378-7753  資料種別: 逐次刊行物 (A)
記事区分: 原著論文  発行国: オランダ (NLD)  言語: 英語 (EN)
