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J-GLOBAL ID:201802226831033756   整理番号:18A1722583


Modeling NAFLD disease burden in China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, United Kingdom, and United States for the period 2016-2030
著者 (36件):
Estes Chris
(Center for Disease Analysis (CDA), Lafayette, CO, USA)
Anstee Quentin M.
(Liver Research Group, Institute of Cellular Medicine, The Medical School, Newcastle University, Framlington Place, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom)
Arias-Loste Maria Teresa
(Gastroenterology and Hepatology Department, Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital, Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red de Enfermedades Hepaticas y Digestivas (CIBERehd), Santander, Spain)
Arias-Loste Maria Teresa
(Infection, Immunity and Digestive Pathology Group, Research Institute Marques de Valdecilla (IDIVAL), Santander, Spain)
Bantel Heike
(Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany)
Bellentani Stefano
(Gastroenterology and Hepatology Service, Clinica Santa Chiara, Locarno, Switzerland)
Caballeria Joan
(Hepatology Unit, Hospital Clinic, Institute of Biomedical Research August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Barcelona, Spain)
Caballeria Joan
(Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red: Enfermedades Hepaticas y Digestivas (CIBERehd), Barcelona, Spain)
Colombo Massimo
(Center for Translational Research in Hepatology, Clinical and Research Center Humanitas, Rozzano, Italy)
Craxi Antonio
(Department of Gastroenterology, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy)
Crespo Javier
(Gastroenterology and Hepatology Department, Infection, Immunity and Digestive Pathology Group, IDIVAL, Instituto de Investigacion Valdecilla, Hospital Universitario Marques de Valdecilla, Santander, Spain)
Day Christopher P.
(Liver Research Group, Institute of Cellular Medicine, The Medical School, Newcastle University, Framlington Place, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom)
Eguchi Yuichiro
(Liver Center, Saga University Hospital, Saga University, Saga, Japan)
Geier Andreas
(Division of Hepatology, Department of Medicine II, University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany)
Kondili Loreta A.
(Center for Global Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy)
Kroy Daniela C.
(Department of Medicine III, RWTH University Hospital Aachen, Aachen, Germany)
Lazarus Jeffrey V.
(ISGlobal, Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain)
Loomba Rohit
(NAFLD Research Center, Department of Medicine, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA)
Loomba Rohit
(Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA)
Manns Michael P.
(Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany)
Marchesini Giulio
(Unit of Metabolic Diseases and Clinical Dietetics, DIMEC, “Alma Mater” University, Bologna, Italy)
Nakajima Atsushi
(Division of Gastroenterology, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama, Japan)
Negro Francesco
(Divisions of Gastroenterology and Hepatology and of Clinical Pathology, University Hospital, rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4, 1211 Geneve 14, Switzerland)
Petta Salvatore
(Section of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Di.Bi.M.I.S., University of Palermo, Italy)
Ratziu Vlad
(Department of Hepatology, Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere, Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Paris, Paris, France)
Ratziu Vlad
(University Pierre et Marie Curie, Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale UMR 938, Paris, France)
Romero-Gomez Manuel
(Unit for the Clinical Management of Digestive Diseases & CIBERehd, Virgen del Rocio University Hospital, Seville, Spain)
Sanyal Arun
(Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center, Richmond, VA, USA)
Schattenberg Jorn M.
(Department of Medicine I, University Medical Centre, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Mainz, Germany)
Tacke Frank
(Department of Medicine III, RWTH University Hospital Aachen, Aachen, Germany)
Tanaka Junko
(Department of Epidemiology, Infectious Disease Control and Prevention, Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan)
Trautwein Christian
(Department of Medicine III, RWTH University Hospital Aachen, Aachen, Germany)
Wei Lai
(Peking University People’s Hospital, Peking University Hepatology Institute, Beijing, China)
Wei Lai
(Key Laboratory of Hepatitis C and Immunotherapy for Liver Diseases, Beijing, China)
Zeuzem Stefan
(JW Goethe University Hospital, Frankfurt, Germany)
Razavi Homie
(Center for Disease Analysis (CDA), Lafayette, CO, USA)

Journal of Hepatology  (Journal of Hepatology)

巻: 69  号:ページ: 896-904  発行年: 2018年 
JST資料番号: A0278C  ISSN: 0168-8278  CODEN: JOHEEC  資料種別: 逐次刊行物 (A)
記事区分: 原著論文  発行国: オランダ (NLD)  言語: 英語 (EN)
