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J-GLOBAL ID:201802245129741657   整理番号:18A1357497

Crispr/Cas9によるゲノム編集による骨格筋量の増加と体長の減少を伴うマダイPagrus majorの品種の生産【JST・京大機械翻訳】

Production of a breed of red sea bream Pagrus major with an increase of skeletal muscle mass and reduced body length by genome editing with CRISPR/Cas9
著者 (8件):
Kishimoto Kenta
(Division of Applied Bioscience, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Kitashirakawa-Oiwake, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan)
Washio Youhei
(Aquaculture Research Institute, Kindai University, Shirahama 3153, Nishimuro, Wakayama 649-2211, Japan)
Yoshiura Yasutoshi
(Yashima Station, Stock Enhancement and Management Department, National Research Institute of Fisheries and Enhancement of Inland Sea, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency, 243 Yashima-higashi, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-0111, Japan)
Toyoda Atsushi
(Comparative Genomics Laboratory, Center for Information Biology, National Institute of Genetics, Yata 1111, Mishima, Shizuoka 411-8540, Japan)
Ueno Tomohiro
(Human Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, 53 Shogoin-Kawahara, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8507, Japan)
Fukuyama Hidenao
(Research and Educational Unit of Leaders for Integrated Medical System, Konoe Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan)
Kato Keitaro
(Aquaculture Research Institute, Kindai University, Shirahama 3153, Nishimuro, Wakayama 649-2211, Japan)
Kinoshita Masato
(Division of Applied Bioscience, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Kitashirakawa-Oiwake, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan)

Aquaculture  (Aquaculture)

巻: 495  ページ: 415-427  発行年: 2018年 
JST資料番号: E0784A  ISSN: 0044-8486  資料種別: 逐次刊行物 (A)
記事区分: 原著論文  発行国: オランダ (NLD)  言語: 英語 (EN)
