J-GLOBAL ID:200901000822956813
Update date: Jun. 01, 2023
Fujita Hiroshi
フジタ ヒロシ | Fujita Hiroshi
Research field (1):
Literature - European
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- シェイクスピアに関する研究
- Study on Shakespeare
MISC (24):
目隠しされた椅子と太鼓-Birthday Partyの「バースディ・パーティ」. 宮城教育大学外国語研究論集. 2003. 第3号 95-112
Blindfolded Chairs and a Drum - the Meaning of Birthday Party in Birthday Party. Foreign Languages Studies of Miyagi University of Education. 2003. 3. 95-112
虚と実のはざまで-電話と猫と┣DBThe Collection(/)-┫DB-. 宮城教育大学外国語研究論集. 2001. 1. 37-49
Between Truthfulness and Falsehood-Telephone and cat as the Key to ┣DBThe Collection(/)-┫DB-. Foreign Languages Studies of Miyagi University of Education. 2001. 1. 37-49
┣DBEpicoene(/)-┫DB -その反転する世界. 宮城教育大学外国語科論集. 1999. 13. 14-26
Education (4):
- - 1972 Tohoku University
- - 1972 Tohoku University Graduate School, Division of Letters
- - 1970 Tohoku University The Faculty of Arts and Letters
- - 1970 Tohoku University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本シェイクスピア協会
, 日本英文学会
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