J-GLOBAL ID:200901000842483903
Update date: Aug. 25, 2020
ササダ トオル | TORU SASADA
Affiliation and department:
Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine Faculty of Medical Sciences
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Detailed information
Job title:
Assistant Professor
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2010 - 自殺行動に関連したメタボロミクスによるバイオマーカーの探索
Papers (19):
Chito Tanaka, Kayano Yotsumoto, Eri Tatsumi, Toru Sasada, Masaru Taira, Kiwamu Tanaka, Kiyoshi Maeda, Takeshi Hashimoto. Improvement of functional independence of patients with acute schizophrenia through early occupational therapy: a pilot quasi-experimental controlled study. CLINICAL REHABILITATION. 2014. 28. 8. 740-747
Chito Tanaka, Kayano Yotsumoto, Eri Tatsumi, Toru Sasada, Masaru Taira, Kiwamu Tanaka, Kiyoshi Maeda, Takeshi Hashimoto. Improvement of functional independence of patients with acute schizophrenia through early occupational therapy: a pilot quasi-experimental controlled study. CLINICAL REHABILITATION. 2014. 28. 8. 740-747
Satoshi Okazaki, Yuichiro Watanabe, Akitoyo Hishimoto, Toru Sasada, Kentaro Mouri, Kyoichi Shiroiwa, Noriomi Eguchi, Woraphat Ratta-Apha, Ikuo Otsuka, Ayako Nunokawa, et al. Association analysis of putative cis-acting polymorphisms of interleukin-19 gene with schizophrenia. PROGRESS IN NEURO-PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY & BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. 2014. 50. 151-156
Sasada Toru, Hishimoto Akitoyo. SSRI/SNRI投与後に賦活症状によるものと考えられる自殺念慮・自殺行動が出現した5症例の検討. 臨床精神薬理. 2014. 17. 2号. 245-252
Woraphat Ratta-apha, Akitoyo Hishimoto, Kentaro Mouri, Kyoichi Shiroiwa, Toru Sasada, Masakuni Yoshida, Satoshi Okazaki, Irwan Supriyanto, Migiwa Asano, Yasuhiro Ueno, et al. Haplotype analysis of the DISC1 Ser704Cys variant in Japanese suicide completers. PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH. 2014. 215. 1. 249-251
MISC (2):
Sasada Toru. 強迫性障害で入院し統合失調症を発症した1例. 精神神経学雑誌. 2014. 116. 1号. 83
Ichiro Sora, Sasada Toru. 【物質使用障害とアディクション 臨床ハンドブック】 (第I部)物質使用障害とアディクションの生物学 中毒性精神病の生物学. 精神科治療学. 2013. 28. 増刊. 31-34
Books (1):
実践にいかすアリピプラゾール症例集〈1〉 / アリピプラゾールの投与により持続勃起症の再発が予防できた1症例
メディカルレヴュー社 2009
Lectures and oral presentations (38):
(第24回日本臨床精神神経薬理学会/第44回日本神経精神薬理学会 2014)
(第36回日本生物学的精神医学会・第57回日本神経化学大会 合同年会 2014)
Specific circulating micro-RNA in acute and chronic schizophorenia.
(The 16th World Cogress of Psychiatry 2014)
(第115回近畿精神神経学会 2014)
(第114回近畿精神神経学会 2014)
Education (1):
- 1994 Nara Medical University
Professional career (1):
医学学士 (奈良県立医科大学)
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