Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2015 - 2020 Research on economic growth patters derived from the properties of knowledge capital accumulation
2014 - 2018 Policies for Economic Growth and Firm Heterogeneity
2008 - 2011 Dynamical analysis on polarization of the world economy by using endogenous growth theory
Papers (10):
NOBUHIRO HOBARA, SHIRO KUWAHARA. An Economic Growth Model with Education and Industriousness. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. 2023. 48. 1. 31-57
Shiro Kuwahara. Multiplicity and stagnation under the Romer model with increasing returns of R&D. Economic Modelling. 2019. 79. 86-97
Shiro Kuwahara. When is the Spirit of Capitalism Effective for Economic Development?. International Journal of Economics and Finance. 2018. 10. 3. 70
Shiro Kuwahara. Multiple steady states and indeterminacy in the Uzawa-Lucas model with educational externalities. Journal of Economics. 2017. 122. 2. 173-190
Shiro,Kuwahara, Feng, Zhou. Decreasing Labor Supply, R&D-Based Growth, and Instability of Economic Dynamics. Discussion Paper. 2023. 144. 1-19
Shiro Kuwahara. The Fall of the Labor Share and Possibility of the Autor and Dorn Model. 2021. 73. 2. 149-165
Shiro Kuwahara. Dynamics of Competitiveness and Multiplicity of Steady States in the Romer Model with Imitations. Discussion Paper, Institute for Policy Analysis and Social Innovation,University of Hyogo. 2021. 123. 1-24
Shiro Kuwahara. The Rise of Information Societies and the Declining Labor Income Share. Discussion Paper, Institute for Policy Analysis and Social Innovation,University of Hyogo. 2021. 124. 1-23
“Entry, Exit, and Endogenous Growth”. 慶応大学経商連携グローバルCOEディスカッション・ペーパー. 2009. DP2008-043