J-GLOBAL ID:200901001899084408
Update date: Oct. 05, 2019
Nuki Shigeto
ヌキ シゲト | Nuki Shigeto
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (3):
Physical and health education
, Aesthetics and art studies
, Philosophy and ethics
Research keywords (3):
>Dance, Philosophy of body.
, >Literary Critics
, >Philosophy,Literary Critics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- Study on the entrailment by dance performance
- Study on the theories of history
- Study on Phenomenology and the contemporary Philosophy
Papers (59):
ヌキ シゲト. The Body of Contemporary Dance and the Structure of Culture in the Cities in Europe. Annual Reports on Human Science. 2016. 46. >131〜143
ヌキ シゲト. Diversity of body enriches dance. Who Dance? Actuality of Choreography. 2015. 1. 1. >82~92
ヌキ シゲト. Lightning, Music and Contemporary Dance. Reports of the project granted by the Ministry of Education and Science. 2013. 1. 1. >14~24
ヌキ シゲト. Asia as “subject”?----Towards a Phenomenological Analysis of Self-alienation. Königshausen& Neumann. 2010. >79-86
ヌキ シゲト. Regard a dance!. 2009. >
MISC (62):
貫 成人. 「2004年哲学回顧」. 『週刊読書人』2568号. 2004. >
貫 成人. 『差異と隔たり』熊野純彦. 『週刊読書人』2519号. 2004. >
貫 成人. 2003年哲学回顧. 『週刊読書人』2518号. 2003. >
貫 成人. 「パリ・アレレヴァン」. 『ダンスマガジン』2001年6月号. 2001. >
貫 成人. 「現代ダンス」. 舞踊学会、韓国世宗大学. 2001. >
Books (11):
History of Ballet and Dance
Heibon-sha 2101 ISBN:9784582125238
How to do things with Philosophy: From the real point of view on culture and the self
Chikuma-Shobo 2012 ISBN:9784480015600
The Philosophy of History: Beyond Narratology towards a system-theoretical View
Keiso-Shobo 2010
The Philosophy of Truth
Chikuma-Shobo 2008 ISBN:9784480064134
Introduction to Philosophy
Shinshokan 2008 ISBN:9784403250934
Lectures and oral presentations (38):
Causality and Subjectivity in Complex System.
Virtual Body?
(Conference “Image and Reality” 2012)
Eerie Body: Ground without ground.
(XXII. Deutscher Kogress für Philosophie 2011)
「Asia as "subject"?」
(PEACE Conference(香港中文大学) 2004)
「Self and I -Towards phenomenological analysis of the place of I-」
(フッサール研究国際集会(京都大学) 2003)
Education (3):
- - 1985 The University of Tokyo
- - 1980 University of Tokyo Faculty of Letters Department of Philosophy
- - 1980 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Letters
Professional career (2):
- 文学修士 (東京大学)
- 博士(文学) (東北大学)
Work history (2):
- 1990/04 - 2000/03 Assistant Professor at Saitama University, Faculty of Liberal Arts
- 1988/04 - 1990/03 Lecturer at the Saitama University, Faculty of Liberal Arts
Association Membership(s) (9):
Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics
, 日本哲学会
, 文化経済学会
, Japanese Society for Dance Research
, Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
, 実存思想協会
, 日本現象学会
, 美学会
, 哲学会(東大)
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