J-GLOBAL ID:200901002011164880   Update date: Sep. 04, 2022

Ishii Katsue

イシイ カツエ | Ishii Katsue
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Chiba University
Research field  (1): Home economics, lifestyle science
MISC (122):
  • 各種甘味料のカスタードプディングにおける使用量と卵濃度の検討. 千葉大学教育学部研究紀要. 2006. 53. 381-387
  • TAKEDA Kikuko, KAWASHIMA Kaoru, KAWAMURA Miho, MUTO Yaeko, ISHII Katsue. Research of Senior High School Students' Awareness about Food and Health (II) : Problems as seen through their awareness. Journal of the Japan Association of Home Economics Education. 2005. 48. 3. 198-205
  • ISHII Katsue, KAWASHIMA Kaoru, KAWAMURA Miho, TAKEDA Kikuko, MUTO Yaeko. Research of Senior High School Students' Awareness about Food and Health (I) : Awareness of whether foods are 'good' or 'bad' for health awareness. Journal of the Japan Association of Home Economics Education. 2005. 48. 3. 191-197
  • 「食から学びの世界が広がる」「家庭科と総合的な学習の時間はどのような関係にあるのだろう」『衣食住・家族の学びのリニューアル』(分担). 明治図書. 2004
  • 『調理師教科全書6 調理理論』 (分担). 全国調理師養成協会. 2004
Works (4):
  • menu planning
  • Taste of Peptides
  • 献立構成論
  • ペプチドの呈味
Professional career (2):
  • (BLANK) (Ochanomizu University)
  • (BLANK) (Osaka Prefecture University)
Association Membership(s) (5):
日本家庭科教育学会 ,  日本農芸化学会 ,  日本栄養食糧学会 ,  日本調理科学会 ,  日本家政学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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