J-GLOBAL ID:200901003239050040
Update date: Aug. 28, 2024
Nakai Seiichi
ナカイ セイイチ | Nakai Seiichi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (2):
Japanese linguistics
, Linguistics
Research keywords (2):
, Studies in the Japanese Language
Research theme for competitive and other funds (31):
- 2024 - 2029 International Collaborative Research on Translingual Networks Contributing to the Design of a Mobility-Based Society.
- 2020 - 2025 Development of a Corpus of Japanese Language Speakers as a Heritage Language and its Application to Research on Linguistics and Language Education
- 2019 - 2023 日本語敬語形成モデルの構築ー生成・運用・伝播に注目してー
- 2016 - 2021 A Study on Nikkey Plurilingual speakers in Latin America
- 2016 - 2020 Rethinking the geolinguistic interpretation in the linguistic reconstruction
- 2015 - 2019 Field Research for the Construction of the Dictionary of Japanese-Origin Loanwords in Pacific Island Languages
- 2015 - 2018 Regional Characteristics and Honorific Behavior of the Non-honorific Areas-Aiming at Restarting Study of Japanese Honorific Language
- 2015 - 2018 The Research of Consideration Expression of Kinki Dialects
- 2011 - 2016 Clarifying the detail process of dialectal distribution change
- 2011 - 2012 Reconstruction of Macro and Micro Linguistic History Using Linguistic Maps across Countries and Language Families in Eastern Eurasia
- 2010 - 2012 Urban Areas as Regional Centers and their Honorific Language Behavior:Focussing on the Second Iga-Ueno Survey
- 2009 - 2011 Field Research Comparing Language Acquisition and Language Contact in Several Multilingual Communities
- 2008 - 2010 Research in Regional Language Formation on the Influence of Metropolitan Area Language
- 2008 - 2010 Geographical and social studies of the Hokuriku New Dialects
- 2007 - 2009 Archaeological Research on Inter-Regional Exchange and the Diplomacy of the Early Yamato Monarchy
- 2006 - 2009 Correlations between Japanese Dialects and the Japanese Language Remaining in East Asia
- 2006 - 2009 Reconstruction of Geolinguistics based on Geographical Information Systems
- 2006 - 2008 Typological Research on Language and Regional Traits in Japan Sea Region Societies
- 2006 - 2008 The Database Construction of the Intonation Systems in Japanese Dialects and the Descriptions of Prosodic Structures
- 2003 - 2006 Formation of "Japanese Culture" from the perspective of collectors' Activities in the modern Yamato region
- 2004 - 2005 Functional analysis of the non- verbal and the Para language, code switching in a communication scene
- 2004 - 2005 言語接触によって誕生した新生言語体系の形成過程を解明する調査研究
- 2003 - 2005 Structures of Predicates in Japanese Dialects : A Typological Study
- 2003 - 2005 A Study of Networking and Development of `Acoustic Linguistic Atlas' and 'Visual Linguistic Atlas'
- 2001 - 2002 Grawnatical Categories in Uerbs in Japanese Dialects: A Typological Study
- 都市の中心性と言語
- 東アジア内海の自然環境と言語文化
- 地域言語の社会言語学的研究
- Making depopulation and environmental issue
- Doing the becoming of the child which and educating a home
- Sociolinguistic Studies in Japanese Dialects
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Papers (48):
中井精一. 「敬語の言語地理学 -日本語敬語形成論の構築にむけて-」. (勉誠社)『方言地理学の視界』. 2023. 183-198
Seiichi Nakai. Toponymes et parlers régionauxde la région de Toyama : autourdes noms dialectaux de lapomme de terre dans les bassinsdes rivières Jinzū et Shō. OpenEdition Journals 21 MARSEILLE FRANCE. 2021
中井精一. 「富山県西部域における敬語行動の変容-佐伯安一編著『高岡の方言 第2集』と比較して-」. 『砺波市立散村文化研究所 研究紀要』. 2021. 38. 54-59
中井 精一. 富山県の方言ーその特徴と地域差. 大学的富山ガイド. 2020. 1. 145-159
中井 精一. 河川流域の地域特性と方言. The Landscapes of World Dialectology(韓国慶北大学校李相揆教授退官記念論文集). 2019. 1. 535-555
MISC (15):
Regional Variation in Words for Cow Mooing and People's Lifestyles. 2015. 24. 20-23
中井精一. 女性器の方言にみる列島の地域史-方言分布論序説-. 方言研究の前衛. 2008. 460-478
中井精一. ことばの研究にとっての社会-都市をめぐる人びとの心性とことば-. 音声言語研究のパラダイム. 2007. 345-358
中井精一. 天理教原典とやまとことば. 山辺の歴史と文化. 2006. 257-278
NAKAI Seiichi. Characteristics of Kinai-type Treatment Expressions in Western Japan(<Special Issue>Interpersonal Functions in Language and Linguistic Politeness). The Japanese Journal of Language in Society. 2005. 5. 1. 42-55
Books (25):
「日系」をめぐることばと文化 : 移動する人の創造性と多様性
くろしお出版 2022 ISBN:9784874249147
昭和堂 2022 ISBN:9784812221167
富山湾 : 豊かな自然と人びとの営み
桂書房 2020 ISBN:9784866270890
新日本言語地図 -分布図で見渡す方言の世界-
朝倉書店 2016
『地方都市の暮らしとしあわせ 高知市史 民俗編』
Works (14):
2005 -
2003 -
1996 - 2001
The research of urbanism history of Japan
1996 - 2001
2001 -
Education (1):
- - 1998 Osaka University of Foreign Studies
Professional career (1):
- (BLANK) (Osaka University of Foreign Studies)
Work history (4):
- 2021/04 - 現在 Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts Faculty of Culture and Representation Department of Japanese Language and Literature Professor
- 2012/12 - 2021/03 University of Toyama Faculty of Humanities Department of Humanities
- 1998/05 - 2012/11 University of Toyama Faculty of Humanities Department of Humanities
- 1988 - 1998 Tenri University
Committee career (8):
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 人文地理学会
, 日本言語学会
, 日本語学会
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