In vitro effect of calcitonin on the mineralization of tooth germ in mice : comparison with the effect of parathyroid hormone and 1α, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D<sub>3</sub> (共著)
Vitamin D ; A pluripotent steroid hormone : Structural studies, molecular endocrinology and clinical applications, W. de G 1994
The usefulness of rat incisor dentin in evaluating pharmacological and toxicological effects of drugs on mineralization(共著)
Pharmacdogical Approach to the Study of the Formation and Resorption Mechanism of Hard Tissues. Ishiyaku Euro America, Inc. 1994
Hypertension in rats fed a low calcium diet : roles of catecholamine synthesis and secretion
Tyrosine Hydoxylase V. S. P. 1993