Research field (3):
Cell biology
, Immunology
, Immunology
Research keywords (5):
Allogeneic recognition
, Fine structure
, Defeunce mechanism
, Hemocytes
, Ascidians
Papers (54):
阿部健之,山村孝之,大竹伸一,藤田之彦,宇田川誠一. 全学共通初年次教育「自主創造の基礎1・2」ー日本大学医学部における実践とアンケート調査ー. Bulletin of Liberal Arts & Sciences Nihon University School of Medicine. 2016. 44. 35-52
ew Specimen Preparation Methods for Scanning Electron Microscopy by Using Ionic Liquid-Application to Hemocytes of Ascidian, ┣DBHalocynthia(/)-┫DB ┣DBroretzi(/)-┫DB. Journal of Electron Microscopy Technology for Medicine and Biology. 2012. 26. 2. 61-62
Study of the fine structure of ascidian,┣DBHalocynthia(/)-┫DB ┣DBroretzi(/)-┫DB, hemocytes by criotechnique.
(29th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Developmental and Comparative Immunology 2017)
New Specimen Preparation Methods for Scanning Electron Microscopy by Using Ionic Liquid-Application to Hemocytes of Ascidian, ┣DBHalocynthia(/)-┫DB ┣DBroretzi(/)-┫DB.
(医学生物学電子顕微鏡技術学会第28回学術講演会及び総会 2012)
Ionic liquid is a useful tool for the SEM observation of hemocytes of ┣DBHalocynthia(/)-┫DB ┣DBroretzi(/)-┫DB.
(The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan 2011)
Is ionic liquid an effective tool for SEM observation of hemocytes of ┣DBHalocynthia(/)-┫DB ┣DBroretzi(/)-┫DB
(23rd Japanese association for Developmental & Comparative Immunology 2011)
A study on the change of phenoloxidase (PO) activity in the solitary ascidian, ┣DBHalocynthia(/)-┫DB ┣DBroretzi(/)-┫DB.
(81st Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan 2010)
Japan Association for Bioethics
, 日本動物学会
, 日本発生生物学会
, 日本比較免疫学会
, 日本生体防御学会
, American Microscopical Society
, International Society of Development and Comparative immunology