J-GLOBAL ID:200901003752525380   Update date: Oct. 17, 2023

Tanimoto Yuko

タニモト ユウコ | Tanimoto Yuko
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Community dentistry
Research keywords  (2): 歯科矯正学 ,  Orthodontics
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 矯正治療と口腔機能・顎関節
MISC (44):
Works (123):
  • Fujii, A., Miyawaki, S., Tanimoto, Y., Araki, Y., Katayama, A., Takano-Yamamoto, T. : Association between nocturnal bruxism and gastric acid concentration
    2003 -
  • Tanimoto, Y., Miyawaki, S., Araki, Y., Katayama, A., Fujii, A., Takano-Yamamoto, T. : Association between tooth clenching, gastroesophageal reflux and body movement during sleep
    2003 -
  • Miyawaki, S., Tanimoto, Y., Araki, Y., Katayama, A., Fujii, A., Takano-Yamamoto, T. : Evidence that sleep bruxism is secondary to gastroesophageal reflux
    2003 -
  • Tanimoto, Y., Miyawaki, S., Araki, Y., Katayama, A., Fujii, A., Takano-Yamamoto, T. : Association between temporal muscle activity, acid reflux and body movement during sleep
    2003 -
  • Araki, Y., Miyawaki, S., Tanimoto, Y., Katayama, A., Fujii, A., Takano-Yamamoto, T. : Association between sleep bruxism and transient relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter
    2003 -
Committee career (1):
  • 2002 - 日本矯正歯科学会 編集幹事
Awards (1):
  • 2003 - 第62回日本矯正歯科学会大会 学術大会優秀発表賞
Association Membership(s) (9):
日本睡眠学会 ,  Japanese Association for Dental Research ,  International Association for Dental Research ,  日本顎変形症学会 ,  日本口蓋裂学会 ,  日本顎関節学会 ,  岡山歯学会 ,  中・四国矯正歯科学会 ,  日本矯正歯科学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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