Research keywords (3):
, 看護学
, Science of Basic and Local Nursing
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2003 - 2004 重症心身障害児施設における基礎看護学臨地実習IIでの学生の気持ちの変化
2003 - 2004 The Changes of the Students'Feeling through "Clinical and Pratical Training of Fundamental Nursing II" in an Asylam for Severe Psychosomatic Handicapped Children.
2000 - 2001 看護技術教育の変遷と今日的課題
2000 - 2001 The transitions of nursing technique education and our task today
1996 - 1998 基礎看護技術教育におけるProblem Based Learningの有効性に関する教育心理学的研究
1996 - 1998 PBL(Problem Based Learning)Approach Effective in Primary Nursing Skill Training -A Research Based on Educational Psychology-