J-GLOBAL ID:200901004426788075   Update date: Jul. 08, 2022

Soshun Nakachi

ナカチ ソウシュン | Soshun Nakachi
Research field  (2): Agricultural sociology ,  Agricultural and food economics
Research keywords  (12): 集落機能 ,  サトウキビ生産構造 ,  赤土流出対策 ,  地域複合 ,  島嶼農業 ,  農法 ,  地産地消 ,  共生社会 ,  環境保全型農業 ,  持続可能な農業生産 ,  Island Agricultural Economics ,  Rural Studies
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (7):
  • 農業経営にける赤土流出防止対策に関する研究
  • 農業の地域社会維持機能に関する研究
  • 経営類型間における連携システムに関する研究
  • 島嶼地域における持続可能な農業生産システムの形成に関する研究
  • Studies on the Role of Agriculture in Maintaining Regional Society
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MISC (58):
  • Zhenmian QIU, Soushun NAKACHI, Shigeyuki NAITOH. A Study on the Driving Factors and Constraints of the Land Rental in Rural China -Case Studies of the Two Villages in Fujian Province. 食農資源経済学会. 2009. 59. 2
  • Zhenmian QIU, Soushun NAKACHI, Shigeyuki NAITOH. A Study on the Driving Factors and Constraints of the Land Rental in Rural China -Case Studies of the Two Villages in Fujian Province. 食農資源経済学会. 2009. 59. 2
  • 仲地 宗俊. 近代沖縄農業における農業経営と生産力水準 Farm Management and Production Capacity in Okinawa Agriculture in the Modern Era. 農業史研究. 2008. 42
  • Zhenmian Qiu, Soushun NAKACHI. A Study on the Relationship between Land Rental and Self-employment in Rural China -Case of Two Villages in Fujian Province-. 農業経済論集. 2008. 58. 2
  • 仲地 宗俊. 近代沖縄農業における農業経営と生産力水準 Farm Management and Production Capacity in Okinawa Agriculture in the Modern Era. 農業史研究. 2008. 42. 27-38
Books (4):
  • 日本農業の主体形成
  • 日本農業の主体形成
  • Structure of Land Holding in Rural Areas and the Land Law, Vietnamese Agriculture under Market-Oriented Economy.Hanoi
  • Structure of Land Holding in Rural Areas and the Land Law, Vietnamese Agriculture under Market-Oriented Economy.Hanoi
Lectures and oral presentations  (14):
  • A Stuy on Characterstics of Fram management of Rent in Farmers in China -Case stuies of the two Villages in Fujian Province-
    (食農資源経済学会 2008)
  • A Stuy on Characterstics of Fram management of Rent in Farmers in China -Case stuies of the two Villages in Fujian Province-
    (食農資源経済学会 2008)
  • A Study on the Relationship between Land Rental and the Use of Agricultural Machiniry - A Case Study in Fujian Province, China-
    (日本国際地域開発学会 2007)
  • A Study on Cash Crop Production and Land Rental Under the Agriculture Structure Agreement in China - A Case Study in Fujian Province-
    (農業問題研究学会 2007)
  • A Study on the Driving factors and Constraints of the Land Rental in Rural china -Case Studies on the two vikkages in fujian Pronince-
    (食農資源経済学会 2007)
Work history (3):
  • 2009/04/01 - - , 琉球大学 農学部 亜熱帯地域農学科 農林経済科学 教授
  • 2009/04/01 - - , University of the Ryukyus, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Subtropical Agro-Production Sciences, Agricultural and Forest Economics, Professor
  • University of the Ryukyus Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Subtropical Agro-Production Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture Department of Subtropical Agro-Production Sciences Professor
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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