2012 - 2017 Studies of knot theory and their applications
2016 - 2017 結び目と3次元多様体の量子トポロジー
2009 - 2014 Seifert手術のなすネットワークの研究
2009 - 2011 Studies of Knot Theory
2005 - 2009 双曲結び目の非双曲Dehn手術に関する研究
2004 - 2006 双曲結び目上のレンズ空間,ザイフェルト多様体を生じるデーン手術に関する研究
2003 - 2005 双曲結び目の非双曲Dehn手術に関する研究
2001 - 2004 Commutative ring theory and singularity theory
2001 - 2003 双曲結び目の非双曲Dehn手術に関する研究
1999 - 2001 結び目のDehn手術に関する研究
1998 - 2000 Characteristic p method in singularity theory
1997 - 1999 結び目のDehn手術に関する研究
1996 - 1997 結び目のDehn手術に関する研究
1995 - 1996 結び目のDehn手術に関する研究
1996 - 1996 場の発散とその幾何
1995 - 1996 Probabilistic investigation of phase transitions for lattice spin systems
1994 - 1995 結び目のDehn手術に関する研究
1995 - 1995 場の発散とその幾何
1994 - 1994 場の発散とその幾何
1992 - 1994 場の理論に於ける発散とその幾何学
1993 - 1993 場の理論に於ける発散とその幾何
1991 - 1993 Studies on Dynamical systems
1989 - 1989 フックス型微分方程式の代数幾何、微分幾何及び位相幾何的研究
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Papers (71):
Kenneth L. Baker, Kimihiko Motegi. The stable crossing number of a twist family of knots and the satellite crossing number conjecture. Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. 2025. (to appear)
Tetsuya Ito, Kimihiko Motegi, Masakazu teragaito. Dehn filling and the knot group Ill: cyclic persistent subgroups. Bol. Soc. Mat. Mex. 2025. 30 (to appear)
Kenneth Baker, Yasuyuki Miyazawa, Kimihiko Motegi. Asymptotic behavior of unknotting numbers of links in a twist family. Topology Appl. (to appear). 2025
K.Himeno, K.Motegi, M.Teragaito. Classification of generalized torsion elements of order two in 3-manifold groups. Topology Appl. (to appear). 2025
Kenneth L. Baker, Kimihiko Motegi, Toshie Takata. The Strong Slope Conjecture and crossing numbers for Mazur doubles of knots. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Low Dimensional Topology and Number Theory. 2025. 456. 1-61
Dehn Surgery - Introduction to 3-Dimensional Topology
Kyoritsu Shuppan 2022 ISBN:9784320115026
論理・集合・写像・位相をきわめる 幾何学序論
日本評論社 2018
Lectures and oral presentations (175):
Stable crossing number and the satellite crossing number conjecture
(Extended KOOK Seminar 2024 2024)
Dehn filling and knot group
(Seminari di Geometria, Universita di Pisa 2024)
Dehn filling trivialization on a knot group
(Knots with special properties: A conference to celebrate Mario Eudave-Mu\~noz's 60th birthday, 2023)
Dehn filling and knot group: the Property P conjecture and beyond
(MSJ-KMS Joint Meeting 2023)
Winding number, wrapping number and stable unknotting number of knots in a twist family
(The Iberoamerican and Pan Pacific International Conference on Topology and its Applications 2023)