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MISC (54):
KOSHIDA Sentaro, ISHII Takanori, MATSUDA Tadamitsu, HASHIMOTO Toshihiko. Relationship between observational and kinematic evaluation of the head injury risk in judo breakfall. Human Performance Measurement. 2020. 19. 23-29
越田 専太郎, 石井 孝法, 松田 雅弘, 橋本 俊彦. 柔道受身動作の観察による頭部外傷リスク評価と頭頚部キネマティクスとの関連-Relationship between observational and kinematic evaluation of the head injury risk in judo breakfall. 体育測定評価研究 = Japan journal of test and evaluation of physical education and sports : 日本体育測定評価学会学会誌. 2019. 19. 23-29