J-GLOBAL ID:200901005163324482
Update date: Feb. 14, 2024
Shigeno Yukiko
シゲノ ユキコ | Shigeno Yukiko
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (5):
Economic policy
, Money and finance
, Public economics, labor economics
, Economic policy
, Economic policy
Research keywords (4):
少子高齢化 人口減少 日本経済 家計行動
, Health Economics
, Labor Economics
, Public Economics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
- 少子・高齢化に関する経済分析
- 医療保険制度改革に関する医療経済分析
- 結婚・出産と女性の就業に関する経済分析
- マイクロデータを用いた家計行動に関する実証研究
- Health Economic Analysis for reforming the medical insurance system
- Economic Analysis for Marriage,Fertility and Female Labor Supply
- Empirical Study on Household Behavior Using Micro Data
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Papers (9):
Shigeno Yukiko, Matsuura Katsumi. Academic career and family socioeconomic background. Osaka City University, Journal of economics. 2010. 111. 1. 93-107
Shigeno Yukiko. Young people's choice of working style and coresidence with their parents. Osaka City University, Journal of economics. 2007. 108. 3. 105-119
The Effects of Child-Care Leave, Working Hours and Day Nurseries on Fertility in Japan. Osaka City University Economic Review. 2004. 39. 97-113
Child Care Support and Labor Market. University of Tokyo Press, Ensuring Individual Choice in Social Security. 2003. 91-112
The Cost of Marriage: Inhibiting Factors. 2002. 53. 1. 95-125
MISC (29):
子育て支援による企業の便益. 大阪大学経済学. 2005. 54. 4. 181-213
松浦克己, 滋野由紀子. 大都市圏における育児と女性の就業. 会計検査研究. 2005. 32. 32. 181-213
Toward Combining Work and Childbirth: Effect of Parental Leave on Fertility of Working Married Women. The Quarterly of Social Security Research. 2003. 39. 1. 43-54
松浦克己, 滋野由紀子. 遺産動機はどのように形成されるか-利他的遺産動機、戦略的遺産動機、遺産動機なしの比較-. 季刊家計経済研究. 2001. 49. 76-84
私的医療保険の需要と公的医療保険. 季刊社会保障研究. 2000. 36. 3. 378-390
Books (8):
東京大学出版会・選択の時代の社会保障 2003
東京医学社・腎移植の医療経済 2001
東洋経済新報社・医療サービス市場化の論点 2001
日本評論社 2001
東洋経済新報社・社会福祉と家族の経済学 2001
Education (2):
- - 1996 Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Economics
- - 1992 Osaka University Faculty of Economics
Professional career (2):
- 博士(経済学)
- Doctor of Economics
Work history (2):
- 1997/04/01 - 現在 Osaka City University Graduate School of Economics Contemporary Economy Course Professor
- 1996 - 1997 Osaka University School of Economics
Association Membership(s) (1):
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