Research field (3):
, Human interfaces and interactions
, Cognitive sciences
Research keywords (10):
consumer behavior
, marketing
, design management
, usability
, user experience
, marketing
, usability
, user experience
, 消費者行動
, ユーザビリティ
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
2018 - 2021 地域住民が高齢者を見守る「新しい新密圏」に向けた情報基盤の検討
2020 - 人間中心設計と人類学の対話によるシステム設計思想:HCDを多元化する挑戦的試み
2019 - 人間中心設計と人類学の対話によるシステム設計思想:HCDを多元化する挑戦的試み
2018 - 2019 地域住民が高齢者を見守る「新しい新密圏」に向けた情報基盤の検討
2015 - 2018 Design Method of Altruistic Interface to Encourage Concession Behavior in Social Resource Allocation
2016 - 2017 地域住民が高齢者を見守る「新しい新密圏」に向けた情報基盤の検討
2009 - 2010 Understanding of usability evaluation structure in actual environment that considers user's desire for using a interactive product
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Papers (3):
Masaya Ando, Yasunobu Ito. Conceptual Change in Human-centeredDesign by Artificial Intelligence System. The Human Side of Service Engineering. 2022. 62. 143-151
Ayaka Ito, Masaya Ando, Hitoshi Uchida, Muneo Takemoto & Yuichi Murai. Proposal of the Elderly Supporting System Based on the Perspective of Local Community in Japan. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. 2020. 549-558
A Study of Correlation between Phishing Scam and Local Communities. 2010. 5. 1. 5-17
Patents (2):
Books (1):
丸善出版 2016
Education (1):
2005 - 2009 The Graduate University for Advanced Studies Graduate School, Division of Cultural Studies Department of Cyber Society and Culture
Professional career (1):
Doctor of Philosophy (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
Work history (2):
2020/04 - 現在 Chiba Institute of Technology Professor
2016/04 - 現在 Chiba Institute of Technology Faculty of Advanced Engineering Professor