J-GLOBAL ID:200901005697458700
Update date: Jan. 17, 2006
Yoshida Toshio
ヨシダ トシオ | Yoshida Toshio
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Criminal law
Research keywords (2):
, Criminal Law
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 行為者-被害者-和解
- Victim - Offender - Reconciliation
MISC (9):
法的平和の恢復(27). 北海学園大学法学研究. 2004. 40. 1. 139-164
法的平和の恢復(26). 北海学園大学法学研究. 2003. 39. 2. 79-110
法的平和の恢復(25). 北海学園大学法学研究. 2003. 39. 1. 1-25
法的平和の恢復(24). 北海学園大学法学研究. 2002. 38. 4. 1-34
法的平和の恢復(23). 北海学園大学法学研究. 2002. 38. 3. 39-60
Books (12):
Restorative Justice-Bericlit aus Japan
Angewandte Kriminologie zwishen Freiheit und Sicherheit 2004
Strafrecht, Sanktionen und Einstellungen zu Sanktinen in Japan
Strafrecht und Kriminalität 2004
The future of the Japanese criminal justice system
Repositioning Restorative Justice 2003
Confession, apology repentance and settlement out-of-court in the Japanese criminal justice system
Restorative Justice in Context 2003
Die Zukunft der japanischen Strafrechtspftege
Festschrift für udo Jesionek 2002
Education (4):
- - 1971 Hokkaido University
- - 1971 Hokkaido University Graduate School, Division of Law
- - 1969 Hokkaido University School of Law
- - 1969 Hokkaido University Faculty of Law
Professional career (1):
- Doctor(Law) (Hokkaido University)
Awards (2):
- 2003 - ベッカリーア賞(銀賞)
- 2003 - Beccaria-Award (Silver)
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本被害者学会
, 日本刑法学会
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