2022 - 2026 A Comparative Historical Study of Forced Migrants in the 20th Century from the Perspective of Migrant Capital: Cases of Eastern and Central Europe and the Pacific Region
2020 - 2025 中東と東欧に見る移民政策:新しい視座と日本の選択
2020 - 2024 近現代社会運動のグローバルな拡散のメカニズムに関する思想史的研究
2019 - 2023 A comparative study on the survival strategy and network making of the forced migrants in modern European history
The Hungarian Refugee Students in the New World after the Hungarian Revolution of 1956
(ICCEES World Congress, Encountering the New World: Emigration and Cross-Cultural Adjustments(Panel) 2015)
The Japanese Association for Migration Studies
, 歴史科学協議会
, 日本西洋史学会
, The Hisotrical Science Sociey of Japan
, Association for East European Studies
, The Japanese Association for American History
, The Japanese Association for American Studies