Ayumi Imanishi, Yosihiro Natuhara, Junichi Imanishi, Inpeng Duangvongsa, Sisomphone Southavong. Effects of double rice cropping with irrigation on the diversity of herbaceous plants and their utilization as a food source in paddy fields of southern Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Landscape and Ecological Engineering. 2021
Noelikanto Ramamonjisoa, Harisoa Rakotonoely, TaeOh Kwon, Kosuke Nakanishi, Yosihiro Natuhara. Intraspecific competition reduces the quantity of excreted nutrients in tadpoles. MARINE AND FRESHWATER RESEARCH. 2020
Noelikanto Ramamonjisoa, Masaru Sakai, Serge Herilala Ndriantsoa, Ryosuke Kakehashi, Atsushi Kurabayashi, Nobuhiro Tomaru, Yosihiro Natuhara. Hotspots of stream tadpole diversity in forest and agricultural landscapes in Ranomafana, Madagascar. LANDSCAPE AND ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING. 2020. 16. 3. 207-221
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Imanishi, A, Imanishi, J, Kawase, N, Natuhara, Y. Mowing in agricultural activity maintains alterative habitat of an endangered grassland species Gentiana thunbergii (G. Don) Griseb. The 9th International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. 2015
Yoshioka, K, Shibata, S, Morimoto, Y, Imanishi, J, Natuhara, Y. Evaluation of validity of habitat suitability index model for Hynobius nebulosus and analysis of the other environmental factors. The 4th International Conference of Urban Biodiversity and Design (URBIO2014), October 9-12, 2014. POSCO Global R&D Center, Incheon, Korea. 2014
Imanishi, A, Kaneko, S, Isagi, Y, Imanishi, J, Natuhara Y, Morimoto, Y. Conservation of Euryale ferox Salisb. in Japan based on genetic evaluation using microsatellite markers. The 4th International Conference of Urban Biodiversity and Design (URBIO2014), October 9-12, 2014. POSCO Global R&D Center, Incheon, Korea. 2014