J-GLOBAL ID:200901006751386636
Update date: Jan. 17, 2024
Tachikawa Musashi
タチカワ ムサシ | Tachikawa Musashi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (2):
Religious studies
, Philosophy - Chinese, Indian, Buddhist
Research keywords (5):
, Buddhist Studies
, Indian Philosophy
, 宗教学
, 印度哲学・仏教学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
MISC (28):
癒しと救い. 玉川大学出版. 2001. 306
Three Hundred and Sixty Buddhist Deities. Adroit Publishers, Delhi. 2001. 389
Indian Fire Ritual. Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. 2001. 212
P(]E87CD[)j(]E87BC[) and Sa(]E8AD1[)sk(]E87BC[)ra. Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. 2001. 186
The World and Amida Buddha. Toward a Contemporary Understanding of Pure Land Buddhism, SUNY. 2000. 223-240
Books (43):
History of Emptimess Thought
Kodansha 2003
講談社 2003
History of Emptimess Thought
Kodansha 2003
山川出版社 2002
Shiva and his Consorts
Yamakawa Shuppan 2002
Works (3):
Materials for Iconographic Studies of Mother-Goddesses in the Kathmandu Valley Monumenta Serindica, (]G0061[)12
1984 -
1983 -
A Hindu Worship Service in Sixteen Steps
1983 -
Education (4):
- - 1975 Harvard University
- - 1975 Harvard University Indian Studies
- - 1964 Nagoya University School of Letters
- - 1964 Nagoya University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (3):
- Doctor (Nagoya University)
- Ph. D. (Harvard University)
Committee career (5):
- 1986 - 2000 日本宗教学会 理事
- 1983 - 2000 日本密教図像学会 委員
- 1975 - 2000 東海印度学仏教学会 委員
- 1973 - 2000 日本西蔵学会 委員
- 1987 - 1993 日本印度学仏教学会 理事
Awards (3):
- 2001 - (第十一回)中村元東方学術賞
- 1997 - (第五十回)中日文化賞
- 1991 - (第三回)アジア・大平洋賞特別賞
Association Membership(s) (8):
International Association for Shin Buddhism
, International Association for Buddhist Studies
, 東海印度学仏教学会
, 日本密教図像学会
, 日本西蔵学会
, 日本宗教学会
, 日本仏教学会
, 日本印度学仏教学会
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