Research keywords (7):
Optical physics
, Porous silicon
, Nanomaterials
, Fourier transform (ion cyclotron resonance) mass spectrometry
, Special-purpose computer for many-body problems
, Many-particle simulation
The Laser Society of Japan
, The Optical Society of Japan, The Japan Society of Applied Physics
, Technical Committee of Psychological and Physiological Acoustics, The Acoustical Society of Japan
, The Physics Education Society of Japan
, The Physical Society of Japan
, The Division of Applied Physics Education, The Japan Society of Applied Physics
, The Japan Society of Applied Physics
, The American Society for Mass Spectrometry
, The Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan
, Japan Society of Kansei Engneering
, The Molecular Simulation Society of Japan
, The Japan Society for Simulation Technology
, Information Processing Society of Japan
, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers