2015 - 2018 Development of heavy metal stable isotope marine chemistry to understand marine environment and ecosystems
2014 - 2017 An observational investigation of plate coupling in the 1771 Yaeyama earthquake source area
2011 - 2015 Estimation of biodiversity and restriction of existence in interstitial fauna
2012 - 2015 オリゴ糖に着目した海水中の低分子溶存有機物の動態の解明
2007 - 海洋中層における光合成生物の生存戦略と生元素循環へのその影響
2005 - 2007 海洋への微量金属の散布がもたらす有機物のサイズと生分解性への影響
2004 - 2006 Interaction between Metallome and Proteome in the Marine Ecosystem
2002 - 海洋の炭素貯蔵における『海洋深層水』中の有機化合物と微生物代謝の関係
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Papers (34):
Zhongyu Guo, Tingting Wang, Hidetaka Ichiyanagi, Mohamed Ateia, Guo Chen, Jieqiong Wang, Manabu Fujii, Kaichii En, Tiansheng Li, Rumi Sohrin, et al. Photo-production of excited triplet-state of dissolved organic matters in inland freshwater and coastal seawater. Water Research. 2024
Schilling, O. S, Nagaosa, K, Schilling, T. U, Brennwald, M. S, Sohrin, R, Tomonaga, Y, Brunner, P, Kipfer, R, K. Kato. Revisiting Mt Fuji’s groundwater origins with helium, vanadium and environmental DNA tracers. Nature Water. 2023. 60-73
Akiyuki Kenmochi, Daisuke Takahashi, Hiroyuki Matsuura, Takashi Yoshikawa, Rumi Sohrin, Yumiko Obayashi, Hiroshi Kuroda, Jun Nishikawa. Cladoceran communities in offshore Suruga Bay, Japan: How are they formed?. Journal of Oceanography. 2022
責任著者, 宗林 留美, 共著者, 楠本宜史. Seasonal variation in the water quality of the Asabata flood control basin. Geoscience Reports of Shizuoka University. 2017. (vol). (num). (xxx)-(zzz)
- 2000 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Science
- 1994 Rikkyo University College of Science Department of Chemistry
- 1994 Rikkyo University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
博士(理学) (東京大学)
Committee career (5):
2019/07 - 現在 静岡県 「森は海の恋人」水の循環研究会委員
2023/08 - 2025/07 静岡市 静岡市環境影響評価協議会委員
2019/10 - 2025/03 静岡県 静岡県地方港湾審議会委員
2019/10 - 2021/09 静岡県 地方港湾審議会委員
2009/06 - 2019/05 静岡県 静岡県環境影響評価審査会委員
Association Membership(s) (4):
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
, Deep Ocean Water Applications Society
, American Geophysical Union
, The Oceanographic Society of Japan