Approach of allelopathy study with Arabidopsis thaliana (Lu) Heynh. and Newrospora crassa.'jointrly worked'. Weed Biology and Management. 2003. 3. 93-97
Approach of allelopathy study with Arabidopsis thaliana (Lu) Heynh. and Newrospora crassa. 'jointly worked'. Weed Biology and Management. 2003. 3. 93-97
Growth regulating effects of endogenous lepidimoide like substance in Arabidopsis thaliana. 'jointly worked'
Proceedings, 27th Annual Meeting, Plant Growth Regulation Society of America 2000
Works (7):
2001 -
Preservation of Arabidopsis Ecotype Stocks in SASSC.
2001 -
1994 - 2000
Life cycle of higher plants in micro-gravitative environment
1994 - 2000
Management of The SENDAI Arabidopsis Seed Stock Center.
1993 -