Impact of the ICTY on Local Mass Media: Longitudinal Content Analysis of the Serbian Newspapers, 2003-2016
(26th IPSA (International Political Science Association) World Congress 2021)
Serbia between the West and the East: Origins and Impacts of the Military Neutrality Policy
(International Conference, "Friends with Enemies: Neutrality and Nonalignment Then and Now" 2020)
International transitional justice and domestic mass media: quantitative text analysis of Serbian newspaper reporting on the ICTY and war crimes
(2nd Annual POLTEXT Conference 2019 2019)
Impact of the ICTY trials on local mass media: quantitative text analysis of the three Serbian Newspapers, 2003-2016
(International Political Science Association, the Joint Colloquium, "Diversity and Democratic Governance: Legacies of the Past, Present Challenges, and Future Directions?" 2019)
Attitudes towards the statehood in a deeply-divided society: An analysis of the Bosnian 2017 survey data
(2018 Annual Conference of Taiwanese Political Science Association, "The Changing International Relations and Democratic Governance" 2018)