Research field (2):
Gerontological and community health nursing
, Clinical nursing
Research keywords (2):
, Psychiatric Nursing
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
2019 - 2024 患者の自殺を体験した精神科看護師のメンタルヘルスケアプログラムの開発
2014 - 2017 Effect of the activation and blood flow of the frontal lobe function of elderly individuals with mild cognitive impairment and the effects of multitask training
2007 - 2009 A method with 'Empowerment' in the area life of the mental disorder person and the aim of help
2006 - 2008 A study of suicide prevention by the narrative approach for the depression patients
Tatsuru Kitamura, Chie Tanimoto, Shingo Oe, Maki Kitamura, Shoryoku Hino. Familial caregivers' experiences with home-visit nursing for persons with dementia who live alone. Psychogeriatrics. 2018. 19. 1. 3-9
C. Tanimoto, S. Yayama, S. Suto, K. Matoba, T. Kajiwara, M. Inoue, Y. Endo, M. Yamakawa, K. Makimoto. Self-harm and suicide attempts in a Japanese Psychiatric Hospital. East Asian Archives of Psychiatry. 2018. 28. 1. 23-27
Postvention for Psychiatric Nurses: A National Cross-Sectional Survey of Nursing Directors in Japan.
(27th EAFONS (East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars) 2024)
Challenges and Opportunities: A Qualitative Exploration of Community Mental Healthcare in Rural Japan
(27th EAFONS (East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars) 2024)
The pattern of fall incidents at a psychiatric hospital in Japan: a quantitative and qualitative analysis of incident reports
(IAGG(International Association of Gelontology and Gerisrics) 2015)
Long-term trend of medication errors in a Japanese psychiatric hospital
(WANS The 4th international Nursing Research Conference 2015)