Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Pathomechanism of familical amyotrophic leteral sclerosis
neurophysiological approach of abnormal ocular movement
research of neurotrophic factors in the regeneration and repair of the peripheral neruons system
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MISC (32):
Distal myopathy with rimmed vacnsles is allelic to hereditary inclusion body myopatry. Nenrology. 2003. 59. 11. 1674-1676
Correlation of emmprin expression in Vascnlar endothelial cells with blood-brain-barrier function:a study using magnetic resonance inaging erhanced by Gd-DPTA and immunohistochemistry in btaia turors. Virchow Arch. 2003. 442. 577-584
Distal myopathy with rimmed vacnsles is allelic to hereditary inclusion body myopatry. Nenrology. 2003. 59. 11. 1674-1676
Correlation of emmprin expression in Vascnlar endothelial cells with blood-brain-barrier function:a study using magnetic resonance inaging erhanced by Gd-DPTA and immunohistochemistry in btaia turors. Virchow Arch. 2003. 442. 577-584