J-GLOBAL ID:200901010482699840   Update date: Jul. 24, 2024

Saito Akira

M3651 斉藤 | Saito Akira
Affiliation and department:
Other affiliations (1):
  • The University of Tokyo
Research field  (1): Philosophy - Chinese, Indian, Buddhist
Research keywords  (2): History of the Buddhist Philosophy in India, Madhyamaka philosophy、Bauddhakosa ,  Buddhist Studies
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (27):
  • 2019 - 2022 A Comprehensive Research on the Bauddhakosa Project: Constructing a New Model for the Coming Generation
  • 2016 - 2019 Further Development of the Bauddhakosa: The Creation of Standard Japanese-English Glossary of the Important Buddhist Terms with Their Illustrative Sentences
  • 2015 - 2017 日本古写経に伝承される玄奘訳『大乗掌珍論』の研究
  • 2013 - 2017 A Comprehensive Study of Sthiramati's Thought
  • 2011 - 2016 仏教用語の現代基準訳語集および定義的用例集(バウッダコーシャ)の構築
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Papers (93):
  • 斎藤 明. プトゥン『入菩薩行論注釈』第10「廻向」章の研究. 成田山仏教研究所紀要. 2024. 47. 13-53
  • Akira Saito. Jñānaśrīmitra versus Śāntideva on Perception. Bulletin of the International Institute for Buddhist Studies. 2023. 6. 1-10
  • 斎藤 明. 『中論』の論理再考. 国際仏教学大学院大学研究紀要. 2023. 27. 1-17
  • 斎藤 明. シャーンティデーヴァの<廻向>論-新旧『入菩薩行論』最終章を中心として-(7). 成田山仏教研究所紀要. 2023. 46. 63-98
  • Akira Saito. The Meaning of Satkāyadṛṣṭi. Bulletin of the International Institute for Buddhist Studies. 2022. 5. 1-12
MISC (86):
  • Akira Saito. The Dun-huang Recension of Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra, Chapters 3 and 9. Bulletin of the International Institute for Buddhist Studies. 2023. 6. 11-38
  • Symposium V: "Will Buddhist Thought Be Reborn? A Summing-up of the Bauddhakośa Project,". Transactions of the International Conference of Eastern Studies. 2022. 66. 135-140
  • 斎藤 明. [第66回国際東方学者会議(ICES)報告]シンポジウムV:仏教思想は甦るか-バウッダコーシャ・プロジェクトを総括する-. 東方学会報. 2022. 122. 21-23
  • 斎藤 明. [内外東方学界消息]国際中観研究ワークショップ. 東方学. 2022. 144. 89-95
  • Saito Akira. Symposium V: " Mahāyāna Buddhism: Revisiting Differences between Schools, Tenets, and Doctrinal Classifications and Their Background”. Transactions of the International Conference of Eastern Studies. 2021. 65. 159-164
Books (29):
  • 世界宗教圏の誕生と割拠する東アジア(「アジア人物史」第2巻)
    集英社 2023
  • The One Hundred Elements (dharma) of Yogacara in Sthiramati's Pancaskandhakvibhasa
    2022 ISBN:9784796303248
  • The Heart Sūtra Revisited: The Frontier of Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya Studies, Acta Asiatica 121
  • 仏典解題事典(第三版)
    春秋社 2020
  • What Is Tathāgatagarbha: Buddha-Nature or Buddha Within? Acta Asiatica 118
    The Tōhō Gakkai 2020
Education (3):
  • 1981 - 1984 The Australian National Univeristy, Faculty of Asian Studies, PhD Course
  • 1976 - 1981 The University of Tokyo
  • 1972 - 1976 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Letters
Professional career (2):
  • (BLANK)
  • (BLANK)
Work history (5):
  • 2016/04 - 現在 International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies Graduate School of Buddhist Studies Professor
  • 2000/04 - 2016/03 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology
  • 1993/04 - 2000/03 Mie University Faculty of Humanities, Law and Economics
  • 1988/04 - 1993/03 Mie University Faculty of Humanities, Law and Economics
  • 1984/04 - 1988/03 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Letters
Awards (4):
  • 2014/07 - Association of Buddhist Philosophy Buddhsit Philosophy Award
  • 2011/10 - Indian Embassy, The Nakamura Hajime Eastern Institute jNakamura Hajime Eastern Studies Prize
  • 1994/11 - Toho Gakkai Award
  • 1989/05 - Japanese Association of Buddhist Studies Japanese Assocaiation of Buddhist Studies Award
Association Membership(s) (6):
International Association of Buddhist Studies ,  仏教思想学会 ,  東方学会 ,  日本西蔵学会 ,  日本宗教学会 ,  日本印度学仏教学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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