J-GLOBAL ID:200901010662382284
Update date: Feb. 10, 2023
Ohta Hitoshi
オオタ ヒトシ | Ohta Hitoshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Magnetism, superconductivity, and strongly correlated systems
Research keywords (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
Papers (446):
Kunihiro Koike, Tokunosuke Uchida, Keiho Sakurai, Nobuyuki Inaba, Hiroaki Kato, Masaru Itakura, Shigeo Hara, Yu Saito, Susumu Okubo, Hitoshi Ohta. Infrared laser annealing of nanocomposite Nd-Fe-B/Mo/FeCo multilayered magnet films. AIP Advances. 2022. 12. 3. 035042-035042
Daisuke Yamamoto, Takahiro Sakurai, Ryosuke Okuto, Susumu Okubo, Hitoshi Ohta, Hidekazu Tanaka, Yoshiya Uwatoko. Continuous control of classical-quantum crossover by external high pressure in the coupled chain compound CsCuCl3. Nature Communications. 2021. 12. 1. 4263/1-9
Eiji Ohmichi, Yuto Shoji, Hideyuki Takahashi, Hitoshi Ohta. Frequency-domain electron spin resonance spectroscopy using continuously frequency-tunable terahertz photomixers. Applied Physics Letters. 2021. 119. 16. 162404-162404
Hideyuki Takahashi, Takahiro Sakurai, Eiji Ohmichi, Hitoshi Ohta. Field-angle-dependent multi-frequency electron spin resonance spectroscopy in submillimeter wave range based on thermal detection. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2021. 92. 8. 083901-083901
Takahiro Sakurai, Yoshimasa Yasutani, Hitoshi Sugawara, Susumu Okubo, Hitoshi Ohta. Development of Pressure Calibration Method in High-Pressure THz ESR System. Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2021
MISC (47):
Takahiro Sakurai, Hitoshi Ohta, Shigeo Hara, Yu Saito. High-Pressure THz ESR. APPLIED MAGNETIC RESONANCE. 2020. 52. 4. 267-281
Okubo S, Takahashi N, Zhang W, Sakurai T, Ohta H, Fujisawa M, Kikuchi H. 22pGH-7 High field ESR measurements of frustrated spin system Dolerophanite Cu_2O(SO_4). Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2011. 66. 2
Fukuoka Y, Fujisawa M, Zhang W, Okubo S, Ohta H, Yoshitomi H, Kitayama S, Kita T, Wada O. 21pTL-7 Ferromagnetic State of GdN Thin Film Studied by Ferromagnetic Resonance II. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2011. 66. 2
25aPS-34 Cu/Si-NMR study on S=1/2 low-dimensional antiferromagnet Dioptase. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2011. 66. 1
Takahashi N, Okubo S, Ohta H, Sakurai T, Fujisawa M, Ishikawa Y, Kikuchi H. 27pHF-2 High Field ESR Measurements of S=1/2 1D Heisenberg Antiferromagnetic Zigzag Chain (VO)(SO_4)(2,2-bpy) II. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2011. 66. 1
Books (3):
Rare Earth and Transition Metal Doping of Semiconductor Materials
Woodhead Publishing 2016
Field-Induced Phase Transitions and Dynamics in Quantum Spin Systems
Prog. Theo. Phys. Suppl. 159 416 pages. 2005
電子スピンサイエンス&スピンテクノロジー入門 (139-147)
電子スピンサイエンス学会 2003
Lectures and oral presentations (1,279):
Multi-extreme THz ESR: Current Status and Future
(Modern Development of Magnetic Resonance 2021)
Multi-Extreme THz ESR At The Present Stage
(IRMMW-THz 2021 2021)
Multi-extreme THz ESR: Recent Developments and Applications
(22nd International Society of Magnetic Resonance Conference 9th Asia-Pacific NMR Symposium (APNMR9) ISMAR-APNMR2021 2021)
(第16回ESR入門セミナー 2021)
Education (1):
- - 1986 東京理科大学 大学院理学研究科博士課程退学
Professional career (2):
- 理学修士 (東京理科大学)
- 理学博士 (東京理科大学)
Committee career (10):
- 東北大学ナノテク融合技術支援センターー 企画運営委員、課題選定委員
- 神戸大学フロンティアテクノロジー 国際フォーラム組織委員
- 日本物理学会 領域3副代表
- 東北大学金属材料研究所 共同利用委員会委員
- 電気学会 赤外線テラヘルツ波将来技術調査専門委員会協力委員
- 日本赤外線学会 理事 ・企画委員会委員
- 電子スピンサイエンス学会(SEST) 会長、事務局
- 日本物理学会 領域3代表
- Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR 2010 Symposium International Advisory Committee
- Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society (APES) Immediate Past President
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Awards (12):
- 2021/06 - 日本赤外線学会 第七回論文賞 NaCuMoO4(OH)の磁場中配向試料によるテラヘルツESR測定
- 2021/06 - -
- 2019/09 - ZAVOISKY AWARD Distinguished for his outstanding contributions to terahertz high-field EPR instrumentation and its applications in solid-state physics.
- 2018 - 日本赤外線学会 日本赤外線学会論文賞 SQUID磁束計を用いた高周波ESR測定法のヘムタンパク質モデル錯体への応用
- 2017 - The Physcal Society of Japan JPSJ Papers of Editor's Choice New Method for Torque Magnetometry Using a Commercially Available Membrane-Type Surface Stress Sensor
- 2016 - 日本赤外線学会 論文賞 SQUID磁束計を用いたミリ波ESR測定装置の開発
- 2015 - 電子スピンサイエンス学会 電子スピンサイエンス学会(SEST) 学会賞 多重極限テラヘルツESRの開発とその量子スピン系研究への応用
- 2015 - 電子スピンサイエンス学会 学会賞 多重極限テラヘルツESRの開発とその量子スピン系研究への応用
- 2011 - 日本物理学会 JPSJ Papers of Editor's Choice Vol.80 (2011) 083705 Electric Polarization Induced by Néel Order without Magnetic Superlattice: Experimental Study of Cu3Mo2O9 and Numerical Study of a Small Spin Cluster
- 2011 - The Physcal Society of Japan JPSJ Papers of Editor's Choice Electric Polarization Induced by Néel Order without Magnetic Superlattice: Experimental Study of Cu3Mo2O9 and Numerical Study of a Small Spin Cluster
- 2008 - International EPR Society International EPR Society(IES) Silver Medal 2008 for Instrumentation Developments of Multi-Extreme High Frequency ESR Measurement System using a Pulsed Magnetic Field
- 2008 - International EPR (ESR) Society 2008 International EPR Society (IES) Silver Medal for Instrumentation in recognition of his outstanding contributions to EPR Spectroscopy
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Association Membership(s) (7):
International EPR Society (IES)
, 日本高圧学会
, 日本分光学会
, 日本物理学会
, 電子スピンサイエンス学会(SEST)
, Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society (APES)
, 日本赤外線学会
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