2003 - 2004 Studies on the Arabidopsis LINE, ATLNs : Their expression and the function of ORF proteins encoded.
2003 - 2003 バクテリアの挿入因子によるゲノム再編の解析
1998 - 2002 Mechanisms of transposition and its regulation of bacterial transposable elements (IS and Tn) and their involvement in the genomic rearrangements
2000 - 2001 Studied on gypsy-type retrotransposons in plant ; their stuructural diversity and their choromosomal localization
1996 - 1997 Studies of the novel retrotransposable elements appeared on rice chromosomes
1994 - 1995 Studies on transposition and dispersion of tandem repeat sequences (TrsA) in rice genome
1988 - 1989 植物トランスポゾンによる遺伝的組み換えとその制御に関する研究
1985 - 1986 The Mechanism of Initiation of DNA Replication of Drug Resistance Plasmid R100
野生イネおよび栽培イネの系統分類に有効なSINE Codeの開発
Development of SINE Codes designed for for classification of Oryza species
Studies on diversity of the plant genome mediated by transposable elements, especially focusing on their insertion polymorphism on the genome
Development of molecular markers of the oil palm genome
Hisako Ohtsubo, Suguru Tsuchimoto, Jian-Hong Xu, Chaoyang Cheng, Marcia Y. Koudo, Nori Kurata, Eiichi Ohtsubo. Rice retroposon, p-SINE, and its use for classification and identification of Oryza species. Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry. 2008. 62. 277-291