- 2003 - 骨の形成と吸収を調節するOPG
- 2003 - OPG which regulates bone formation and resorbtion
- 2002 - 胎生期唾液腺の器官形成時の細胞動態
- 2002 - Cellular Events Daring Morphogenesis of Embryomic Salivary Gland
- 唾液腺での水分泌関連蛋白・アクアポリンの発現
- 唾液腺, 口腔粘膜の結合組織型肥満細胞に発現するキニノーゲン
- β-アドレナリン作動薬のDNA合成誘導効果
- Aquaporin, water channel proteins, involved in the water secretion in the salivary gland.
- Expression of kininogens in the mast cells in the oral mucosa and salivary glands.
- Induction of DNA synthesis by a β-adrenergic agonist
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